How to grow healthy seedlings?

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How to grow healthy seedlings? Photo: Depositphotos.

The cold february winds are gradually weakening, in front of March. Gardeners and gardeners are friendly for seeding and growing seedlings. However, if the first germs are already waiting in the middle band, then in Siberia, the seeds are still soaked.

Many experts believe that it is often mistakes made in the cultivation of seedlings, begin in the fall. That's when it's time to think about healthy seedlings for the next year! At this time, the soil should be prepared in advance so that in the spring to plant seeds into high-quality nutritional land, and not in what will be able to buy in the store. In the purchase of land, the pathogens of fungal and bacterial diseases can hurt, which are able to prevent the right seedlings correctly.

To avoid such troubles, a predetermined soil mixture is recommended to be sterilized, for example, to treat hot steam. The pathogens of fungal diseases harmful to young seedlings will die, and the useful soil microflora is rapidly restored.

In addition, to improve the quality of the soil mixture, it is recommended to add urea to the soil bucket, ammonium salter, superphosphate for 1-2 tablespoons. To simplify the task, you can purchase for this ready, balanced complex fertilizers.

Is it comfortable at home? Most likely, not very. In the first half of March she will not have enough light. An unfavorable factor is the rapid drying of the upper layer of the soil, which contributes to the appearance of the crust (it is almost inevitable, because the humidity of the air in the premises during this period is often lower than necessary).

This disadvantage can be corrected if it is possible to regulate the temperature in the room where the boxes are worthwhile - young plants should not be hot.

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Photo: Depositphotos.

Does the time of sowing seeds? It is not necessary to sow seeds too early. A short daylight leads to excessive stretching of young plants in length and poverty by tissue nutrients. The last circumstance is important for those who grow seedlings of greenery, for example, Luke Soon.

How to determine the number of seedlings? The desire to grow as many varied varieties of vegetables and (or) decorative plants often leads to a lack of space for seedlings and a decrease in plant quality. The solution to the problem is attentive analysis of its needs and planning beds with vegetables and other cultures since autumn.

  • The so-called peculiar insurance fund - in case, part of the seeds will not give germs, is usually about 20%. The landing in a greenhouse or a greenhouse of more seedlings will not increase the total volume of the harvest, but only adds work.
How to grow healthy seedlings? 23738_3
Photo: Depositphotos.

The cultivation of seedlings is not the most difficult, but very painstaking, time-consuming occupation. It is important to take into account the timing of seeds, not to be mistaken with the number of seedlings and create an optimal microclimate in the face of an apartment for the development of young plants. Then in the fall of the garden will delight harvest.

Author - Ekaterina Majorova

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