Review about Car Geely Atlas 1.8t


Review about Car Geely Atlas 1.8t 23722_1

I will be frank: with the "Chinese" to "Atlas" did not have a case. I was heard about them all. And therefore the purchase of this car is a kind of experiment. I want to check on your own experience, is it worth buying Chinese cars or still not.

The flour of choice, of course, were, as a rigidly limited budget. "Cretage", the new "Seltos" was considered, also glanced in the direction of Sporttide. But the crossover from Hende, I did not like the price tag for a full-wheel drive version. In my opinion, still expensive. In principle, for the same reason, the remaining options were bounced. Especially unpleasantly surprised by the price tag on "Sportage". Normal equipment costs thoroughly in two million rubles. So, I decided to try the "Chinese". Before buying shifted a bunch of articles and rollers about this car. And I did not find anything terrible. About the depreciation and demand on the "secondary" did not break his head. Problems must be solved as they arrive. In addition, I do not think that there will be no demand for him.

"Atlas" with a turbocharged motor, automatic transmission and full drive. And the most ordinary "automatic" is put on the crossover, and not a "robot" or variator. He is a little thoughtful, so when you press the gas pedal, the reaction is not immediately. Absolutely not critical, but you need to get used to this manner. But the turbocharged engine causes concerns. He is quite suitable, it is enough. A little only fear of turbine. Therefore, the oil changes not as it should be on the regulations, but I divide this segment in half. With this approach, I hope, I will not deliver problems.

In the city of "Atlas" enough for his eyes, in the stream he keeps confident. He does not cause any complaints and on the track. Yes, rapid overtaking is not him. But the car was created for another.

Salon is normal. Not excellent, not bad, namely such a strong middling. Still, the finish materials immediately give out the Chinese origin of the car. But the chair is very comfortable. And not only the front, but also rear sofa too. Rear in general a lot of space, and there is a stock of the air above the head. If there are small children in the family who love to kick the backs of the front armchairs, the plastic linings are easily cleaned from traces of shoes. Agree, one thing to erase the traces of the sole with plastic and completely different - from the upholstery.

Of the useful options in the "Atlas" there is: Parktronic, a circular review camera (it works something, I did not even expect), two-zone climates control, heated mirrors, windshield (in the area of ​​the wipers) and seats, cruise control, rain sensor and some Other "pieces". Everything works well and does not cause complaints.

The trunk of the medium size. Some big-sized things in it will not fit. But several bags are easy. In principle, if an acute need arises, you can always buy boxing on the roof.

It was pleasantly surprised by noise insulation. She is quite worthy. Acknowledge, I expected the worst. Nice when you make mistake. Also a few words I will say about the work of the suspension. It is well customized, it is not necessary to call it hard, and soft. Average. Any pavement flaws are without any problems. The only thing that causes a small discomfort is to move the lying police. Especially in the courtyards, where they just throw asphalt mountain. Such tests she does not like.

At the moment, the car is satisfied. Let's see how he will behave at the distance.

Advantages Geely Atlas 1.8t:


Comfortable salon

Noise insulation


The disadvantages of Geely Atlas 1.8t:

Modest trunk size

Turbocked motor

Reviewed: Ilya from Tula

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