3 Marshodes are ready to land on Mars

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Overcoming hundreds of millions of miles in outer space, 3 robot researchers are ready to land on Mars. In the summer of 2020, the orbital devices were launched by the United Arab Emirates and China, as well as the NASA mercier. The robot of the UAE should reach the planet on February 9, Chinese development - February 10, and the NASA project - February 18.

Chinese Mission Mission

China and the UAE can be called "newcomers" on Mars. In 2011, the Chinese planned a joint mission with Russia, but it did not reach the ultimate goal. The Russian automatic interplanetary station "Phobos-Grunt", together with the Chinese microsatellite, "Inho-1" launched in November 2011. Due to the unforeseen circumstances, AMC could not leave the near-earth orbit.

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Preparation for the launch of Tianwean-1

The launch of the Chinese Interplanetary Station "Tianwean-1" occurred on July 23, 2020. It consists of a satellite of Mars and the descent apparatus with a rover. The goal of the mission is the general study of the planet with the help of a satellite, as well as a detailed study of a certain area with the participation of the Marshode. Scientists plan to learn more about the climate of Mars, gravity, electromagnetic field, geology and other components.


Automatic interplanetary station Al-Amal, owned by the UAE, sent to Mars as part of the Emirates Mars Mission. The launch occurred on July 19, 2020 from the Japanese cosmodrome of the taircraft. For the United Arab Emirates (and Arab countries as a whole), this is the first Martian mission.

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The main task of the satellite is the study of the atmosphere on Mars, namely, the study of weather changes over the day and year. Scientists are also interested in meteorological events, such as dust storms. On board the satellite there is a number of tools for obtaining images, temperature data, measurements of oxygen concentration in the atmosphere, etc.


The NASA mission called "Mars 2020" started on July 30, 2020. Thus, all three projects have been launched at about the same time, due to which the dates of their arrival coincide. The mission includes the Perseverance market (translated "perseverance" - the name is chosen as a result of schoolchildren's vote) and the helicopter drone ingenuity ("ingenuity").

The main task of the NASA mission is to evaluate Mars's life-time, as well as the possibility of future missions, such as piloted flight on the planet. The Perseverance project cost 3 billion dollars. In the future, scientists plan to deliver samples on the ground from the surface of Mars. And during the current mission, they intend to lower the rover in the area of ​​the crater Ezero. Before it was filled with water. Now there are dry river beds.

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Image of the Marshode "Perseverans" and a helicopter ingenuity

The selected landing site is considered quite dangerous for the marshode, since numerous pits, cool cliffs, large stones that can damage perseverance were found on the surface. However, NASA equipped the mercier with new navigation technologies and tools for creating high-quality species, sounds of descent and landing on the surface of the planet.

It is characterized by a low speed and must collect samples, which will later remove and deliver a rover to Earth as part of the Mars Sample Return Mission mission scheduled for 2026.

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