Main on Tuesday. Carpenkov on March 25: "We will quickly understand"

Main on Tuesday. Carpenkov on March 25:
Main on Tuesday. Carpenkov on March 25:
Main on Tuesday. Carpenkov on March 25:
Main on Tuesday. Carpenkov on March 25:
Main on Tuesday. Carpenkov on March 25:
Main on Tuesday. Carpenkov on March 25:

The 220th day of protest passes in Belarus. Today, criminal proceedings continue to consider criminal cases in the courts, investigations are completed at later events. About what is happening today in the country, tell me here.

In Minsk detained a programmer. Accused of financing protests

The telegram channel of the Ministry of Internal Affairs announces the arrest of another participant in Augustus protests. This is a 30-year-old Minsk resident, a programmer of a well-known IT company. According to the police, he "on August 9-11 he participated in mass riots in the" Minsk - Hero City "stele area and near Pushkinskaya Metro Station. Minskhanin also accused of financing the protests and in the fact that he advised representatives of the editorial board of the telegram channel recognized in Belarus extremist - recommended "the most secure and anonymous ways to collect money to maintain protest activity."

On the video, the detainee reports that it works as an engineer-programmer, calls his salary - $ 3820 in terms of rubles. The guy admits that he participated in the August rallies and Sunday marches, translated money to the "so-called help strike" and "the so-called repressed assistance". In the deed repent. He says that representatives of the IT community support protests because "with fat silent."

Biometric passports are introduced into Belarus from September 1

Such a term is indicated in Decree No. 107, which was signed by Alexander Lukashenko today. The new type of documents will be built into the microcircuit that contains photographing, fingerprints of the fingers and other personal data of the owner. Their use will allow you to automate the identification procedure, simplify the passport control when crossing the border, will contribute to the development of electronic services.

In total, there will be 8 new types of documents containing biometric data, including a citizen identification card and a biometric passport.

The ID card is planned to be used on the territory of our country to certify the owner. Biometric passports will be needed to go abroad (if a citizen does not plan such trips, it is not required to receive this passport). Its manufacture is possible only if the applicant has an identification card.

Ministry of Health instructed to restrain prices for paid medical services

"In order to ensure the stabilization of prices (tariffs) on paid medical services, the Ministry of Health instructs to take the necessary measures to prevent in 2021 an increase in the growth of consumer price index for more than 5 percent (December 2021 by December 2020), established by the Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus from December 22, 2020 No. 481, "the report on the website of the Ministry of Health.

The possibility of increasing prices for medical services can be considered exclusively within the framework of liquidation (reduction) of the unprofitability of the services provided.

Karpenkov: "There is a certain checkout date - March 25"

Today, the "Sputnik Belarus" resource was interviewed from the Deputy Minister of the Interior, the commander of the internal troops Nikolai Karpenkov. In particular, the official spoke about his vision of today's protest movement and on the preparation of security forces by March 25.

Karpenkov believes that the time of "these Batchniks and Protestununs" ended and that for several months in a row on their part of the manifestations.

- Someone runs in the forest with the flag and trying to remove something, show, throw away the Internet to pay him for it. Either in the darkest corner itself, in the courtyard they spend some shares, or shout in the window "Jig Belarus". Many honors talk about them and mention. This is a completely alien phenomenon, but it comes off. I would even like to mention less, not to raise this wave. Because these are some power to them. And they try to remember something and make some statement. What are they citizens of Belarus? Yes, there is a certain checkout date - March 25, the day of BNR, when they fulfill this holiday. But I will say that by passing the school of tests that have fallen into a share of law enforcement officers, we know how to deal with them and that we will do in this situation. It is necessary to actively and literally from the first minutes begin to the actions that we have been developed. And we will quickly understand, "Nikolai Karpenkov said.

Minsk resident received five years of the colony of the strengthened regime for events on August 10

Today, the court of the factory district of Minsk sentenced the criminal case against the political prisoner Alexei Melnikov, reports to the accreditation of the Human Rights Center "Vyasna". A man takes place under Part 2 of Art. 293 (Mass riots).

"On August 10, 2020, Alexey Melnikov entered the city in the area of ​​the Universame" Riga "on personal matters. At the same time, he wanted to personally know what was happening in the country and in Minsk in particular. Participation in blocking streets did not accept the streets. However, he said, people appeared and began to call on to block the streets. Melnikov tried to crush stones, but he did not work. Then, according to his testimony, the wall of the riot was released on people. Then Melnikov removed the mask and offered them to fold the shields and "to solve the case peaceful way", "the human rights defenders say.

Today, Judge Anna Hwinitskaya sentenced the sentence: five years of imprisonment in the colony of the reinforced regime.

Ministry of Health explained the data on 754 dismissed doctors

In social networks and telegrams, the channels are actively discussed about the "mass dismissal" of Belarusian doors - allegedly for January, a clean outflow of health workers amounted to 754 people. The Ministry of Health explained that this figure refers not only to medical institutions, but also to social institutions and among the dismissed can be chefs, buffets and other personnel.

"The string referenced by the sources of telegram channels is" Health and Social Services ". At this line in January 2021, the number of all dismissed workers - 3917, the number of employees taken to work - 3163, the difference is 754. However, this difference is not an indicator of the number of health care professionals from health care organizations, "the Ministry of Health said.

SK handed over to the prosecutor's office the materials in the case of the Tima Belarusian

After the arrest on January 6, the singer passes under Part 1 of Art. 328 of the Criminal Code, he was released on bail. The Moscow Rottite SK on Minsk completed the investigation of the case of illicit trafficking of prohibited substances, told Onliner in UK. Now the materials went to the prosecutor's office, they will be transferred to the court.

Criminal case on preventing the work of the CEC transferred to the regional court

The criminal case on preparing for participation in the mass riots and the prevenue of the work of the Central Election Commission of the Supreme Court is transferred to the first instance in the Minsk Regional Court.

"On March 15, a criminal case was enrolled in the Supreme Court of the Republic of Belarus to determine the jurisdiction against Privalova E. A., Yaroshevich S. M., Korshun S. V., Konovalova A. S. and Sparish S. S.," - reported on The site of the Supreme Court.

The prior investigation authority, Yaroshevich, Korshun and Konovalov, are accused of committing crimes provided for by Part 1 of Art. 13 and part 2 Art. 293 of the Criminal Code (preparation for participation in mass riots), Part 3 of Art. 293 of the Criminal Code (training or other training of persons to participate in mass riots). Sparish - in the commission of crimes provided for in Part 2 of Art. 191 of the Criminal Code (preventing the work of the CEC), part 1 of Art. 13 and part 2 Art. 293 of the Criminal Code (preparation for participation in mass riots), Part 3 of Art. 293 of the Criminal Code (training or other training of persons to participate in mass riots).

Recall that Sergei Tihanovsky also hosts on the case of preventing the work of the Central Election Commission.

In Belarus, can create a single state agency for regulating the IT-sphere

Today, Alexander Lukashenko spoke about the preparation of a comprehensive decree aimed at regulating the country's digital development sphere. According to the press service, this document will focus on available resources in several key areas, create a single state regulation authority, to maximize China's experience in building a digital society.

Chapter Bazh again called for interrogation in the SC

Chairman of the Belarusian Association of Journalists Andrei Bastunz was interrogated as a witness in the central office of the Investigative Committee.

After that, the safe was returned to the organization's charter and printing. Also yesterday, an arrest was removed from the bank account of the Association, the Bazhi writes.

The term of detention of Andrei Alexandrova extended until May 12

It is reported by BelaPAN with reference to the MEDIAMERA lawyer. Recall, the journalist ceased to pass on January 12, a day later, it became aware of his detention in the criminal case.

Minsk detained administrators of the yard chat and telegrams "New Borbovaya 98%"

Operations were engaged in the staff of the Gupik of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. According to security forces, a man led the closed public a public in which about 300 users consisted, including the "most radical activists", organizing protests in a residential complex. Details here.

The case of political prisoners was transferred to the prosecutor's office

The Investigation Committee reported that the investigation into the criminal case against the organizers of student protests in Minsk was completed. In the case there are 12 defendants - including students and teacher. SC clarifies that actions were discussed with Svetlana Tihanov.

(will be supplemented)

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