For stability


For stability 23666_1 - Volatility gradually acquires anarchy elements. Futures on the S & P 500 index today by 21.00 Moscow time the step is more than a hundred points up to 3760 p. - But recently he was still a hundred points above, but no one spoke about some system correction.

The Volatility index of the S & P 500 VIX today reached almost 34 p., But these numbers do not reflect the essence: the market continues to walk "unorganized formations" of private investors, the hopes for their quick defeat are not yet, and where they hit the next time, it is unknown. Gamestop shares at the beginning of the trading day fell from $ 321 to $ 213, but after two hours (at 19.30 Moscow time) again went up to $ 265. Attack on silver, which wrote last week, also continues, and the end is not visible. Goldman Sachs reports the goal of 4300 p. According to the S & P 500 index, but at the same time notes the presence of a "bubble" in the shares of 39 companies, mainly in the high-tech sector.

Thus, if earlier it was possible to note the insufficient reaction of the market for fundamental economic indicators, now it is generally strange to talk about binding to them. Part of the experts assures that in the near future regulators will come up with something, perpetrators will punish someone, maybe even arrest and everything will return to the circles. But even in this case, the question remains an open, how many repressions will cost the market.

"The traditional rules of the game rushes. The usual assessment methods from classical institutions cease to work: private players have their views. This story is not only last week: Tesla shares (NASDAQ: TSLA) dispersed a long time ago, from a classic point of view, this is a bubble, and for private investors, as we see, no, "Archita Sverikov's investment strategist is arguing. - Probably there will be new limitations from regulators. But no one has canceled new fiscal incentives. So, when the first shock passes, the purchase will simply go further, the long-term uptrend is preserved. Classical investors will look for what is undervalued, and the mass will buy everything that fell. A much greater risk is that if vaccination is promoted, inflation will be accelerated, and the Fed will have to turn the stimulation. "

In Russia, everything is fine, here arrests are already going. At the weekend, the authorities did everything possible to inform the population about protests - up to the early news of the street overlap. Now we are threatened with persecution not only to participants or potential participants in demonstrations, but also those who will publish not the coincident on the official information on the too large number of participants or the dead.

In addition to democracy, President Vladimir Putin decided to take care of the inexperienced participants of the financial market. Having supported the new restrictions offered by the Central Bank in relation to those who did not prove their qualifications of investors, Putin noted that otherwise they were waiting for the fate of "deceived shareholders" in the Russian market. So the scandal, similar to the history of Gamestop, is hardly threatened.

Together with these good news, the Mosbier's index today rose by 0.43%. True, the RTS index decreased by another 0.27%, so the loss from the beginning of the year rose to 1.69%. But these are the problems of the dollar - he added another 30 kopeck. and went above 76 rubles.

On the nearest agenda - the question of sanction risks. "Probably, if circumstances are not changed, the stock market will be volatile in the near future, but without much dynamics. As for the ruble, today the US President Joe Biden speaks on foreign policy, so that the dollar can completely go to 77 rubles, "says Sergey Svobov.

(The text has prepared Daniel Zagananov)

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