Vegetables and flowers on one bed - amazing garden decor


    Good afternoon, my reader. The area of ​​the garden is usually used for a rational location of the beds, but if desired, bright flowers can be grown here. It will not be necessary to allocate a separate place under the flowerbed. Bright buds with competent selection will be perfectly looked next to green and vegetable crops. Such decorative beds are becoming increasingly popular.

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    Vegetables and flowers on one bed - awesome nelya garden decor

    It is not necessary to think that the flourishing buds are only aesthetic function. They turn out to be a useful addition to vegetables and greens in several directions:
    • scare pests;
    • Protect the ground from excessive evaporation of moisture;
    • attracted to cultural plants insect pollinators;
    • Slow the growth of weed grass.

    It is important when planning the garden is rational to distribute all cultures. Flowers are more likely to sit around the perimeter of the entire territory or between the beds. In this case, low-grade plants that will not create an excessive shade. It is also recommended to resettle plants with a different type of root system. They will be able to get moisture and nutritional connections from different soil layers.

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    Vegetables and flowers on one bed - awesome nelya garden decor

    Many flowers should be sown when vegetable shoots are already fixed. In this case, they will not be a hindrance. The exceptions are on bulk, which plant in spring. They are placed among cabbage, lettuce, legumes.

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    Vegetables and flowers on one bed - awesome nelya garden decor

    Directly on the garden to the carrot, tulips and daffodils are hidden for carrots, and crocuses, prolesk, anentica are superbly along with cabbage and salad.

    An important feature of the colors grown in the garden is involved in the process of enhancing fruiting. Insect pollinators are going to their fragrance: butterflies, bumblebees, bees. Especially attractive plants insights: Portulak, white clover, zinnia, as well as daisies, exolping, forget-me-not.

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    Vegetables and flowers on one bed - awesome nelya garden decor

    Bees are going to the aroma of heather, Allyum, the Donoka. These insects fly and bright in coloring the buds of yellow, white, purple shade.

    It is impossible to be impossible to alternate different plants. It is important to competently take into account the possibility of combining them.

    • Next to potatoes sow calendula, scaring the Colorado beetle.
    • Protection for pumpkin crops from nematodes affecting the root system, velvets serve.
    • A good neighborhood is cucumbers and sunflower, which provides loosening with powerful soil roots, and also serves as a support for long weaves.
    • Naturezia, whose smell flies cabbage beyanka, whitefly, plant along with different cultures, but it should be borne in mind that the fragrance of this flower is attractive for black tli, but he will scare away the colorado beetle.
    • Protects from Tly, spider ticks and other pests. Elegant rose bushes landed near garlic.
    • Around the cabbage it is worth sowing a cat kittnik, which will not allow settlements on the plants of cruciferous flew.
    • For salvation of different crops, including cauliflower and broccoli, it is recommended to attract God's cows that willingly fly to dwarf zinnia.

    Garlic, which is cleaned early enough, is not very necessary to gladiols, but these flowers will decorate the empty bed. They can be planted among the Siderators who are mounted, and the remaining flowering plants will strengthen the total decor of the garden.

    Decorative beds, competently uniting vegetable and floral crops, turn the landscape into a bright interesting space.

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