In St. Petersburg, ceased to finance exemplary nursing homes

In St. Petersburg, ceased to finance exemplary nursing homes 23648_1

The largest network of boarding houses for the elderly Petersburgers is forced to evict several hundred pensioners to not go bankrupt. The city stopped financial assistance. Now old men who do not have money for accommodation in Obeka, will have to move from a comfortable nursing home to psychoneurological boarding schools.

"Old age in enjoyment" is the motto of the center of "guardianship", which even externally stands out against the background of inside buildings. In these apartments, alone are some long-livers, and it is no coincidence: relatives say that they did not find the place for their veterans. It is not ashamed to leave 80 and even a 90-year-old pensioner who cannot be at home unattended.

Until recently, here they could place almost everyone. For round-the-clock departure, the pensioner paid only three quarters of his pension. All missing funds were compensated from the budget.

But now, according to the new rules, officials return only part of the money. So, on the previous conditions, the commercial center can not work. And his founder stood up before the difficult choice: either demand from each veteran two and a half thousand rubles per day, or send their guests to other boarding schools.

Alexey Mavrin, CEO and founder of the center: "If it is continued, then we will have a cash gap minus 50 million. And where we do not understand the money. Profit cut off, 100 million cut off. How to exist further we do not understand. "

In general, the "guardianship" is the largest network in St. Petersburg. Only in the northern capital she has six centers, four more in the area, as much in Moscow and one in Chelyabinsk. In total, 15 pensions in Russia than a thousand seats. But for some reason, the problems with subsidies arose only in the cultural capital, notes the correspondent of NTV Edmund of the ribilities.

The Committee on Social Policy says: there is a state alternative - psychoneurological boarding school. But, according to relatives, those who know how the abbreviation stumps is decrypted is not to tell what conditions of detention are there. And that their relatives live in such an boarding school to 90 years and more, unfortunately, there can be no speech.

Officials promise: in modern government internets, veterans are ready to provide the same conditions. And even take 200 people without a queue for two weeks. And the reduction of subsidies in "Obeka" is explained by the fact that the Center submitted additional services for payment, which are not subject to budget financing, the Chairman of the Committee on Socolitics Alexander Rzhannkov said.

Therefore, those who have no money, you need to collect things anyway. And employees who themselves are now under threat of reduction, fear that some guests (especially in 97 years) simply will not transfer the move.

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