"Earth of nomads." American homeless as a kind of arthow


On March 11, 2021, the "Earth of Nomadland" will finally get to the screens of Russian cinemas - judging by the award-winning, as long as the main western film of the year. "I love the movie" will tell if the picture of the director Chloe is really so good.

The main heroine of the Land of Nomads Fern (Francis McDormand) lost at home not only in a narrow, but in a broad sense - as a result of the economic crisis, the city itself disappeared from the face of the Earth in which she lived with her husband (deceased even earlier). As a result, the woman became the "nominee", driving around the American expanses in the "house on wheels", earning a living by temporary work and communicating with other wandering souls.

Frame from the film "Earth of Nomads"

The picture is a set of scenes from the journey of the heroine: both purely household and devoted to the disclosure of its character and the choice made it. Sometimes these scenes are not remarkable, but some are a real film. The director gossies it from touching and sincere dialogues, beautiful landscapes, music, and even the recording of Shakespeare - with the help of talented installation, which Zhao has done itself.

As a result, "Arthaus for people" turned out - not a meaningless set of personnel, whose meaningfulness explains critics - darkened, and the portrait of a man and his life, on the emotional level accessible to everyone and except that a little boring places.

Francis McDormand in the film "Earth of Nomads"

Films, like the "land of nomads" telling about voluntary care from civilization, are not so rare for American cinema. Only over the past 15 years later, "Do not leave traces" (Leave No Trace) Jarik, "Captain Fantastic" (Captain Fantastic) of Matt Ross and "In Wild" Sean Penn. With the picture Zhao, you can compare both the "Lord of the Storm" (The Hurt Locker) of Catherine Bigelou, in which the similar psychological type is investigated.

Against the background of these decent works, the film of American Chinese origin is not lost, but looks equal, so that his success can be considered deserved. Of course, some part of it, Zhao, is obliged to the fact that she is a woman and Asian, as well as a pandemic crisis of filmmaking, but if you are not important to the regalia, and good cinema, in the "earth of nomads" clearly hid his source.

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