Investors choose Russian construction. Experts appreciated the prospects for such investments


Despite the general outflow of buyers and a decrease in the number of offers of finished businesses, the demand for the purchase of construction companies grew by 19%, according to Avito analysts. Experts told how profitable the construction business is now and is it makes sense in such investments.

"Construction business is very different. And successful construction or contracting companies are usually not offered to sell, "Sergey Mokhnar comments, director of the Department of Development of the PSK GK. - Small companies that have difficulties with project financing, may well be an object of interest for large holdings. Construction in segments, where the state control is minimal, such as a country house building, often becomes the subject of inexperienced in the large building of investors. "

Now the real estate market is experiencing a mortgage boom, sales growth, price increase. That is, as the expert notes, it is in conditions of very high demand, and with such an introductory conditional wide investor, to expand its business to the construction direction can be quite interesting.

"Newly well-known developers will be able to work if they are primarily able to provide financial support for projects. But the market is very difficult for this market because of the new legislation and urban planning regulation. Not everyone has competencies to work in such conditions, "the expert notes.

"New-coiled companies get project financing is much more complicated. Therefore, growing interest in buying a finished construction business is quite explained. - Nadezhda Kalashnikova, director of the development of L1, is believed, - but it is not worth afraid of new developers: sometimes bankruptted companies that have long been on the market, and the young - "shoot" and occupy a solid position. But now it will be quite difficult for them. The reliability of the developer, expressed in many ways in his experience, is one of the main factors affecting the choice of real estate from buyers. "

The demand for the construction business is the manifestation of "grabbing reflex", but he will no longer be highly liquid, Dmitry Sinkin believes, chief editor NSP.

"If you look at the situation from the side, then all the crisis - the builders have an increase in revenue by 20% per year! - We must take. But the situation as in the foreign exchange market: if everyone ran into exchangers, then it's too late to buy dollars. The construction cycle lasts for several years, and the peak of demand is already behind, "the expert commented.

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Investors choose Russian construction. Experts appreciated the prospects for such investments 23442_1
Investors choose Russian construction. Experts appreciated the prospects for such investments

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