Man and his bath. The story from which the wings grow.


"As I understand how much in the saddle I can resist, and I will go to the bath cruise. I really want to find me the pair better than mine, "said not so long ago forumhouse with Nagoa nickname. "In the saddle" - this is he about his own electoral electrojit. Nagoa, in general, many hobbies, life is filled with them to refusal, but the most favorite is the Russian bath "Holiday", with herbs and various types of steam. Bath for him - point. From which much more is being taken, the fact that the well-known Soviet weightlifter Yuri Vlasov called "the art of living"; Live, rejoicing every minute. We will tell you the story about this bath and an amazing owner.

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Herbs and par

Nagoa's new bath built in 2015. In the old, there was a brick oven, she was token for a long time and left a lot of firewood. He built a new one: a slight log house 4,5x5m, the ceiling height is 2.15 m, a rest room, a full-fledged bathroom, a warm floor under the tile, in the steam room, an aspen shelves treated with wax with flax oil. The usual good sauna - but two points made it outstanding.

Man and his bath. The story from which the wings grow. 23420_1

Bake. Beautiful, good, with the recommendations of the best banknies of our portal, with a closed heater and a bump (steamspar).

Man and his bath. The story from which the wings grow. 23420_2


Participant forumhouse

With all minimalism, the oven needs the best.


It is time to say how important for Nagoa shower bath, her magical effect on the body. Now, few people know how they did in Russia, "a festive bath": mowed the grass, laid out on the shelves and only then oven flew. The steam room filled the thick herbal spirit, and the grass, while the bath was treated, dried to the state of the hay. It was covered with clean sheets and bathed.

In the baths should be the right atmosphere, Nagoa believes: just, nothing superfluous, but all that is needed is. Already in the pre-tribades, a person must meet herbal spirit, and raise his eyes - on the ceiling of herbs, flowers and brooms, as if the artist painted. Yarrow, Issop, Ivan Tea, Chamomile, St. John's wort, Tollga ...

Man and his bath. The story from which the wings grow. 23420_3


Participant forumhouse

Even with closed eyes, a person should feel - is it a bath? And for this, it must be fired by the smells of herbs - fresh, dried and stolen.

And in the steam room - light only under the regiment, maybe the candles are still, fragrant couples and necessarily brooms.


Participant forumhouse

A hundred soft sabelak or velvet needles is lasted with fiery ferry. Soft rustle and smell wave. Instant explosion of heat and the passage. I just do not suffocate ... from happiness.

Nagoa's brooms do from everything, even currant sometimes (the main thing is not to overheat, overheat - the fragrance left), but is mainly steaming Oaks, at the end of the harvesting eucalyptus, and in the summer there is still fresh nettle. He likes to experiment with the ferry: directs it from the steamspar to the lime board under the shelves and at the same time slowly pours water on the stones (by the way, he has 30 kg of Jadeite and 60 "Gabric"). Couples from the gun and from the face is different: the soft warm cloud is heated below, and the wave is lowered from above, which Nagoa compares with a spectal blanket. This double-sided pair it calls a sandbody. The temperature in the steam room is rarely rising above 50 degrees, but the pair does its work, you and at 50 degrees just roll out of the steam room, it will not seem little!

Our participant says that cooking a bath is how to cook food. The unfair man was flooded with a bath, watered the heater with water, and that's it. And for the seeker here there are so many nuances! Take even a couple, it is different, depends on whether distilled water or well, and when feeding is hot or cold ... Yes, a lot of things.


Participant forumhouse

Find your couple, your rhythm of life in a bathhouse is worth the road.

Herbal beams he neither on the stones nor in the face tries not to pour so that they do not burn and did not spoil the fragrance, puts a saucepan with a decoction to the stove.

First changes

Everything was wonderful, the bath brought great pleasure and in long rides Nagoa missed her. But the Russian bath is a very creative occupation, in it all the time you are looking for additional sources of joy, and therefore, you think that you can change and improve. Now, in the bath, Nagoa is regularly going to his bath club, and the guys counted nine tuning, which he did in the bath lately. The quality of the bath has grown several times.


Participant forumhouse

Well, if anyone turns out to make a bathhouse for centuries and without finishing devices. And I don't have anything, I'm thinking about everything.

The first alteration - drank the window from the steam room into the rest room. The owner of the bath is practicing the method of the harvest that the members of the Forumhouse who experienced him is called the "face on the street" - the pool lies on the shelf, and the head is dried in the window. Not all of this withstand, now an alternative appeared: "Morda in Ko". But the alteration was not conceived for this, Nagoa spends in the steam room for many hours, and with this window he can watch movies in a laptop that stands in a rest room.

Man and his bath. The story from which the wings grow. 23420_4

Then it reached the ceiling in the rest room. I thought how to replace the lining - all the options turned out to be troublesome, would have to disassemble and re-assemble the ceiling with all financial and temporary consequences. And he invented!


Participant forumhouse

Hash, my favorite grass. If they decorate the walls, then why not decorate the ceiling.

Man and his bath. The story from which the wings grow. 23420_5

By this time, Nagoa optimized his approach to the Ban "Holiday". In the classic version, the grass languished for a long time, while a brick oven was treated, and a modern furnace prepares a bath quickly. Therefore, he just put on the shelves and under him the herbs, and even put a barrier from the chamomile before a ferry.

Man and his bath. The story from which the wings grow. 23420_6

So steam is not cooled from contact with cold tiles, it remains light and hot, and the chamomile gives his aroma steam room. He and the FIF brought to mind, and the couple became much better.


Participant forumhouse

FIF is a very good and useful thing, but only in the finished version, with cranes, on the filler tank and on the pipes.

New changes

It came to the ceiling in the steam room. Participants in the bath section of our portal go to each other for the exchange of experience - in the course of the term "tasting" and "response tasting" - and here at one such response tasting Nagoa saw "what I thought about and even dreamed": the ceiling of the unedged Boards in two layers overlap. This ceiling does not have vulgar perfect evenness, but it is very beautiful and does not form cracks while drying wood. The ceiling of the lime board turned out to be magnificently, and then the hero of our history was flooded with a bath and revealed a side effect every other day: heat was maintained in the steam room, so improved thermal insulation.

Man and his bath. The story from which the wings grow. 23420_7


Participant forumhouse

The ceiling cake must be done or do it yourself, or each layer, and especially foil, inspect so as not to the smoke, nor holes.

After finishing the FIF and alterations, the Nagoa ceiling came to an honest conclusion that before his bath was "not so much." The leather ceiling gave abundant and hard couple, which quickly left, and it turned out, then empty. Now under the ceiling in the steam room costs a uniform thick steam pie, which slowly, as in a slow filtle, is lowered onto the pair of barbed, but such a pleasant blanket.

The number of goals and the quality of sensations has grown.

It is time for a new tuning.

Summer pool in winter

When young participants of the bathclub begin to "squeeze" during the harvest - and it's with your head in the window, Nagoa is very surprised: I'm not hot, I'm standing up to the meter, I'm waving a pensioner brooms, and I'm still younger than younger. He does a lot for his health. It was pushed by a bath, to hardening, for example. Previously, they were wrapped in warm edges with his wife, and then with the bath somehow she wanted to stay, and once, already on the cold, right from the wage he jumped into the car and - to the Istra reservoir, here only two kilometers. Jumping into the water ... And I realized that next to the bath he needs water to plunge after the steam. Put a small pool as the place was allowed on the plot: the winter approached, but he hoped to have time to plunge several times.

Man and his bath. The story from which the wings grow. 23420_8


Participant forumhouse

Of course, the idea that only a jerk can put a summer pool under the winter, takes place. But if you rephrase Balsaminov, let me fool, yes with the pool!

The pool remained wintering. At first it was nice to jump into the cold water, covered with a thin ice, and then, when the ice became Tolst, they did a hole in it. What?

Man and his bath. The story from which the wings grow. 23420_9


Participant forumhouse

And I began to swim already and without Balke, and every day. So one more thanks to her native!

Semi-automatic water supply

Then there were new alterations in the bath. The tile on the floor could not withstand a chamomile shelf under the face, boiled down, the floor had to operate, insulate, shift the tile, to make a trap for its additional protection.

Man and his bath. The story from which the wings grow. 23420_10

After that, the pairs and climate in the steam room changed so much that no physicist explain it: "Well, he insulated the floor, well, some little things did, but such a jerk forward." Nagoa said to the partner at the bathhouse: "You're to the Balke on human, and she is in human!"

And then it was the most important change - this is this design.

Man and his bath. The story from which the wings grow. 23420_11

Our hero is a big amateur of authenticity, but constantly splashing to the Kamenka from the bucket was categorically not ready. With a semi-automatic water supply to the FIF and stones, the bath has become much more interesting. However, each change brought unconditional improvements in the quality of bath procedures.


Participant forumhouse

And if you compare my first walker a few years ago, and the present, then this is the earth and the sky. Why look for goodness from good

Of course, such a person as our hero could not think once: did he recognize all the possibilities of the bath oven? Independently made fine-beed feed dramatically changed the atmosphere of steam room, but for its distribution you need a new model. The old oven worked flawlessly, but now he tries the possibility of a new one, which, because of the impossible beauty, called the princess bath.

Man and his bath. The story from which the wings grow. 23420_12

To hide traces of global alterations, put the portal, and it turned out that even this cosmetic improvement was done not in vain. The portal accumulates heat as a battery, and then slowly and gently gives it.

Man and his bath. The story from which the wings grow. 23420_13

These are not all changes, the bath is continuously improved. In the rest of the way, our participant is guided by the principle "not looking for goodness", but the baths do not concern. Do not reveal the entire magnificence of the Russian bath, if you do not pick up and do not configure each item.

Hamam, Sauna and Nighting

... Once Nagoa tasting the sauna and hamam. It was in the Turkish hotel. I went consciously to compare with my bathhouse. First, in the sauna - sat down, after all, there for some reason. I was sitting, I waited ... I did not understand how to see something else here. "Probably, I'm stupid," Nagoa guessed. Switched to Hamam. It looks pleasant, the tile is notable, in the center of a big pedestal. Lit on him: thumbs up, back warm, just like shelves in the bath. But in the Ban of the shelves - only the small part of the fireworks of sensations, and here it is, and that's it. He twisted on this pedestal, and went to the sea.

And when he returned home, he went to the bath first. Warm spring rain was walking, the water in the pool had already gotheled a little bit, he sat in her after the steam room, listened to the Solovyov and his crazy state of ease, so-so and the wings will grow! Well, can it be compared with something with something?

In this story there is one important point: some users of our portal gradually adopt from Nadoa its approach to the bath: the right, soft pairs, an abundance of herbs, unhurried, for a whole day, bath procedures, and no alcohol - only herbal teas. So they did our ancestors, so the almost broken connection of times renews. Perfect, right?

At ForumHouse, you can read more about this amazing bathhouse, learn how to bathe, watch a video about a ship-based banner.

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