On the eve of the excitement: Price overview for flowers and sales seller from NewGrodno


Sales points and seller's story on an anonymous conditions: NewGrodno Correspondent gathered current prices for flowers in different areas Grodno and talked with one of the "floral" entrepreneurs who shared the secrets of this business.

On the eve of the excitement: Price overview for flowers and sales seller from NewGrodno 23323_1

Talked with the seller

Sergey (Editorial Note: The name at the request of a man was changed) earns at the International Women's Day for the 4th year. A young man shares that the first time selling flowers asked him a friend. Already in subsequent years, Sergey began to work for himself.

On the eve of the excitement: Price overview for flowers and sales seller from NewGrodno 23323_2

This year, the cost of one tulip is approximately 1 ruble 05 kopecks. The most important thing is in the desire to make money on March 8 - find wholesaler, which will sell flowers at a good price. Sergey found such a person at kufar.by.

Of the obligatory spending - the conclusion of the Treaty in the housing and communal services to pay the trading place, as well as the payment of one basic value in the tax. Wholesale flower delivery will be released approximately 25 rubles.

On the eve of the excitement: Price overview for flowers and sales seller from NewGrodno 23323_3

On average, in one day, the seller of tulips earns 200-300 rubles. The most profitable days - 7 and 8 March. There are such entrepreneurs who will trade 4 days this year. The thing is that on Friday, the tulips in large quantities were taken by workers' organizations that wanted to congratulate their female colleagues.

On the eve of the excitement: Price overview for flowers and sales seller from NewGrodno 23323_4

In 2021, sellers who traded on the street have their own difficulties. From strong wind and cold tulips lose their appearance.

March 7, many floral sellers grodno plan to work until late evening. On a festive day, trading on the streets of the city will begin from 7-8 in the morning. Of course, all the most bold financial expectations of representatives of this business are associated Monday.

Early vendors and small conflicts with citizens. Often, people begin to resent different costs of flowers literally on the neighboring streets Grodno.

Prices in the vending points Grodno

Prices in the city on bouquets from tulips are not very different. Of course, when you buy one or three flowers, you will not notice, but when paying a large bouquet, the difference will be apparent.

Newgrodno.by Made for Grodnins a price selection from outlets, where tulips selling actively occur.

On the eve of the excitement: Price overview for flowers and sales seller from NewGrodno 23323_5

We start your review from the city center.

  • Near the Grocery Store "Batory" Tulips are sold for 2.5 rubles. People are a bit, despite such a passing place and the proximity of the stopping of public transport.
  • Perhaps the largest excitement takes place on the outlet between the bus station and the Skidel market. Some sellers for attracting customers come up with separate humorous quatrains. Price on this outlet - 2 rubles per flower.
On the eve of the excitement: Price overview for flowers and sales seller from NewGrodno 23323_6
  • In the mini market "Princean" (edition note: Avenue Ya. Kupala) also comes trading. The price on the market itself and on the territory near it is the same. For one flower, sellers want 2 rubles. By the way, you can also buy mimos on trading orders. The price for one twig is all the same 2 rubles. A large mimosa bouquet will cost about 15 rubles.
  • Near Europt (ul. Victory, 47) Flowers are sold for 2.5 rubles.
On the eve of the excitement: Price overview for flowers and sales seller from NewGrodno 23323_7
  • In the store "Euroopt" one tulip can be bought for 1 ruble 99 kopecks. For a bouquet of three tulips, you pay 3 rubles 79 kopecks. For 5 pieces - 6 rubles 49 kopecks.
On the eve of the excitement: Price overview for flowers and sales seller from NewGrodno 23323_8
  • On the "Crown" (Avenue Ya. Kupala) a bouquet of three tulips will be released for you 4 rubles 99 kopecks. 5 tulips can be bought for 7 rubles 99 kopecks.
On the eve of the excitement: Price overview for flowers and sales seller from NewGrodno 23323_9
  • In the store "Vitalyur" (the industry highway 9), the cost of one tulip in the pavilion 2 rubles 50 kopecks. In the very trading hall, a bouquet of three flowers costs 4 rubles 69 kopecks. 5 tulips can be bought for the same 7 rubles 99 kopecks, as well as on the "crown".
  • According to our readers in the Olsanka microdistrict, one tulip can also be bought for 2 rubles.
  • "Ohm" on Gorky for a bouquet of 3 tulips put up a financial price in 4.99 rubles.
On the eve of the excitement: Price overview for flowers and sales seller from NewGrodno 23323_10

An interesting feature of the sale of colors this year: yellow and red shades are dominated in the color scheme. White tulips are also found on the shelves, however, in small quantities.

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