"This is nonsense" - Bondarchuk denied rumors about a special daughter


The director is outraged by rumors that allegedly his daughter lives in the United States

Fedor Bondarchuk, Global Look Press

In the first marriage of Fedor with Svetlana Bondarchuk, the spouses had two children - Son Sergey and the daughter of Varbara. Parents told a little about her daughter. It is known that the girl was born prematurely, then she had the features of development. This was the reason that the family hid it from the public, while tirelessly showing care of her. However, if a person is not visible - the situation becomes rumored. So with Barbara - in the media often wrote that she lives in the USA. Fedor Bondarchuk finally tired of the speculation. He decided to put a point in this matter and clarify the situation.

Svetlana Bondarchuk, Varvara, Cosmo.ru

In an interview with Youtube Show "Say Gordeva" Fedor Sergeevich said that Wary will soon be on 22 years and she lives and studies in Moscow.

This is nonsense and lies everything. We really sent it there on operations on the testimony. They were not alone, and this is not fast: there and the preparatory period, and the period after ... At that time she lived there

At the moment, cooking is being trained in inclusive school. The heirs is distinguished by sociability, she has many friends, including the American, with whom she managed to get acquainted during a trip to the States. According to the director, he spends a lot of time with his daughter. For the weekend, she often comes home to him.

Bondarchuk also noted that sometimes parents are heavier than the baby itself. After all, on them with Svetlana, too many "aggressive medium".

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