Why in the USSR sold black caviar in the banks from


In the Soviet Union in the 70s there was a chalk boom. The people scared cheap fish, but not because of love for her. All because in banks found a real black caviar. And this story began with the veteran went to the store to deal with why it happened, and thus launched the investigation of one of the largest Soviet corruption schemes.

We tell how the Soviet officials tried to eat and eat fish, and do not suppress the bone.

Why in the USSR sold black caviar in the banks from 23295_1

First background to corruption

In the 70s, the USSR government understood that animal husbandry would not cope with the appetite of citizens. It was decided to focus on fishing, because it was easier than to raise cattle. The fisheries and so quickly developed and received even more authority.

For sale fish created a specialized chain of the "Ocean" stores. Due to success in the fish trading, the Minister of Fishman's Ishkov regularly received relaxation, such as the ability to write off a certain number of goods or ice. We gradually all start to grow into a "black" selling fish to restaurants and even export of products abroad.

Why in the USSR sold black caviar in the banks from 23295_2

Ocean store building. Photo: masterok.livejournal.com

Bank that taxed the scheme

All officials who participated in the scheme could not have to lose appetites. One of the directories "Ocean" was already preparing for migration to Israel, but he wanted to squeeze a maximum fish from smuggled sale. And pursued on the banks of sprats with black caviar. It should have been cheaply to take out the border and sell it there, and Ikra accidentally fell on our counters. The KGB is interested in why the demand for cheap fish, and decided to check the heads of the network, which found fabulous amounts.

They went to a persuasion with a consequence and passed a huge number of people. The work was so much that they created a special investigative group of 120 people. All traces led to the deputy head of the fish farm of Ishkova - Ryt. He found the amount of money equivalent to 50 apartments in Moscow. The official was forced to cooperate with the KGB and passed his boss, but Leonid Brezhnev could not allow the arrest of an old comrade. As a result, all dogs descended on Rytov and sentenced to shooting. Apparently for passing all its high-ranking accomplices.

Why in the USSR sold black caviar in the banks from 23295_3

Minister of Fisheries USSR Ishkov. Photo: Masterokblog.

Where is the money, Lebovski?

In total, almost 1,500 people were convicted in the fish case. It was the largest anti-corruption business in the history of the USSR. It hit the "Ocean" network, which closed already by the mid-80s.

But after all this, it remains incomprehensible, where all the money stolen from the country, and who moved all the frozen accounts of the participants in the corruption scheme. The answers did not follow this.

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