The main diseases of potatoes and resistant varieties


    Good afternoon, my reader. Potatoes, like many other cultures, are subject to attacks of pests and diseases. To get the maximum yield, give preference to disease resistant varieties.

    The main diseases of potatoes and resistant varieties 2328_1
    The main diseases of the potatoes and resistant neli varieties

    Potatoes (Photo Used by Standard License ©

    To figure out which variety to choose, it is necessary to understand the signs of major diseases.

    Fungal disease. Spores fall into tubers through small mechanical damage. Reduces the taste of potatoes and significantly worsens the appearance.

    The main diseases of potatoes and resistant varieties 2328_2
    The main diseases of the potatoes and resistant neli varieties

    Parsha (photo with

    There are several varieties of pasta:

    1. Ordinary. At rootes, small ulcers appear, which quickly apply to the formation of a raid.
    2. Porn. Amazes plants in the overwhelmed soil. On the tubers appear warts of light gray. The peel cracks, the disease penetrates deeper.
    3. Silver. On potatoes appear brown stains and plates, similar to soot. The skin is peeling and acquires gray.
    4. Black. Amazes culture in the rainy season. Tubers are affecting dark deep spots. On the stems appear twisted leaves.

    There are no potato varieties completely resistant. The least exposed to this disease:

    • Alyona;
    • Snow White;
    • Lasunok;
    • Resource;
    • Pace.

    A disease that spreads very quickly and is able to destroy most of the crop.


    1. Spots on the leaves of dark color.
    2. The stem first darkens, then dies at all.
    3. On the inner surface of the leaf of white bloom.

    Phytoofluorosis - the disease is fungal. It is best covered in windy and rainy weather.

    The main diseases of potatoes and resistant varieties 2328_3
    The main diseases of the potatoes and resistant neli varieties

    Potato phyotophtor (photo with

    Varieties with resistance to phytoophluorosis:

    • Spring;
    • Blue;
    • Nevsky;
    • Red Scarlett;
    • Luck.

    The disease that applies to arid weather and destroys from 5 to 55% of the crop. The lower leaves affects, then medium, then stems and branches.

    The main diseases of potatoes and resistant varieties 2328_4
    The main diseases of the potatoes and resistant neli varieties

    Alternariasis of potatoes (photos from

    There are two options for illness.

    Option 1:

    1. On the leaves there are stains with a diameter of 20 mm.
    2. Then in this place the surface becomes breaking and dry.
    3. After 30 days, fungal disputes appear on the inside (in the form of a white plaque).

    Option 2:

    1. The edges of the leaf plate are affected by point spots.
    2. The foliage acquires a brown shade.
    3. After 7 days, fungal disputes appear (olive color).

    Varieties with resistance to alternariasis:

    • Adrett;
    • Bronnitsky;
    • Lyubava.

    Save 100% harvest when damaged potatoes by any of the diseases there is no possibility. However, some varieties have sustainability directly to several diseases.

    Variety derived in Belarus. Yield: 265 kg / 100 m2. Early maturation.

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    The main diseases of the potatoes and resistant neli varieties

    Potato Processing (Photo Used by Standard License ©


    1. Vintage: Early.
    2. Clotter shape: rounded. Color: pale yellow. Pad: White. Mass: 125
    3. Distinctive features: good burning.
    4. Resistance to diseases: nematode, phytoophluorosis, dry spot, wet rot.

    Lazuritis tubers have a high nutritional value. Suitable for cooking and frying.

    Potatoes of this variety has long storage periods. The pulp responds with taste requirements, thanks to which tubers are used to prepare various dishes. Average maturation.

    The main diseases of potatoes and resistant varieties 2328_6
    The main diseases of the potatoes and resistant neli varieties

    Potato Care (Photo Used by Standard License ©


    1. Yield: high (up to 585 kg / 100 m2).
    2. Mass: 95
    3. Pelt: yellow, after thermal processing - crumbly.
    4. High stability: to alternariasis, cancer, black leg, nematode. Average stability: to the seamless, phytoofluorosis.

    Potato grade, which is characterized by high yield (up to 600 kg / m2). Dates of ripening: medium.

    The main diseases of potatoes and resistant varieties 2328_7
    The main diseases of the potatoes and resistant neli varieties

    Growing potatoes (photo used by standard license ©


    1. Clotter shape: proper, oval. Yellow color. Mass: 100 g
    2. Pelt: yellow, after heat treatment - crumbly. Taste characteristics: High.
    3. Resistance to diseases: black leg, nematode, phytofluorosa, alternariasis.

    From the potato variety Skarba is preparing mashed potatoes, chips are fry.

    Thanks to the correctly selected variety and compliance with all agrotechnical measures, you can successfully grow a qualitative harvest. On time, the found signs of the disease and the undertaken prevention are capable of maintaining its large part.

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