Succulents - types, rules of care and reproduction (42 photos)


The cultivation of indoor plants requires patience, attentiveness and having at least basic knowledge. There are flowers that require special conditions of content - they are suitable only in experienced flowers. But there are also options for beginners who will resist the unscrewing soil or missed irrigation. Some of them are succulents.

What are the succulents?

Read also the most unpretentious indoor plants

Before dealing in the varieties of succulents, we will give the definition of this term.

Succulents are representatives of flora with special fabrics, stocking water. This category includes various families: Tolstanka, aroid, bordeel, cactus, mope. Methods of production, preservation, savings of lightening moisture are different: developed root system, fleshy leaves, ribbed stems, pubescent surface of the stems or leaves, wax.


One of the most popular types of species in the CIS is Crasus, she is a fat man. Refers to ordinary room colors, has a tree shape, easily multiplies. The most common subspecies - Crassula Ovat, in the people it was nicknamed with a monetary tree.

It looks spectacular to the Hobbit with unusual elongated leaves, as if rolled into the tube. There is also a glance - it looks like a conventional Tolstanka, but the leaves on the trunk are not round, but pointed.

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In the photo Popular representative of the family - Female


The most numerous representatives of the family family living in homes, apartments - triangular and bleak. Less common decorative options - the head of jellyfish (the processes on the stem resemble the tentacles), fat (a ball that resembles a cactus without barns).

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The stems are not remarkable, but the appearance of the colors highlights it from a variety of other indoor plants. The flower resembles a star, there can be absolutely different shades: from pastel, to bright.

But there is one minus - an unpleasant smell during flowering.

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Another name is Echeveria. During the evolution, the trunk lost, it looks like a socket from a variety of leaves growing from the center. Tint and edges of leaves differ from the type of point:

Agava - pointed ends of the pink shade (reminds of Moldo),

Elegant - green-blue fleshy leaves (imitates a stone rose),

Gorbate color - flat processes in the form of rhombus.

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This succulent in the interior received its spread is not only due to the simplicity of care, but also the healing properties. The usual tree, often growing in grandmothers apartments wears aloe tree name.

More decorative species - faith, jackson, ostic, juvenile look like bushes growing from the soil.

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Some confuse them with small aloe sheets (Aloe even has a subspecies called Havortoid). However, Havorty belongs to another family - xanutorrey, and except for the appearance do not have anything in common with Aloe.

The main part for which these flowers love - white thighs from the outside of the leaves. Separate specimens (pearl, drawn) are covered with outs inside and outside.

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Head Rouley

Referring to ampel sukkulents: it is thin sprinkling twigs with pea leaves on them. There are monochrome green or variegated (with white or yellow dots, stripes).

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In the photo, Rowley's cross


There are stem, flowering succulents in subspecies. Calankoe is more popular (with small "kids" at the edges of sharp leaves) or Morgan (blooming subspecies with round leaves).

From unusual representatives, you can highlight felt (pubescent leaves), Metulatte-colorful (resembles Eheveria).

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A beautiful tree with a thick trunk, a few crown on the top and bright colors. Fat, Arabic or multifloraums themselves look like bonsai, without requiring complex formation.

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Lithopc or Argiroderma

The second name is live stones. One plant is two dense leaf resembling pebbles. During flowering between them, a bud on the leg appears.

It looks best in the composition of the set of units.

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How to plant and multiply?

Before replanting any kind of purchased succulent into a new pot, it is required to prepare soil for it. You will find numerous prepared mixtures on sale, but not all manufacturers are responsible for their preparation, withstand the proportions.

Therefore, it is safer to prepare land at home. Recipes here approximately as variations of borscht among different owners, but most importantly, what should be learned: the soil should be "poor" and loose.

The easiest way to mix 1 part of the turf land, 1 part of the peat substrate, 1 part of the bundles - brick or stone crumb, river sand, purchased perlite, vermiculitis, ceramzite.

Replanted plants as needed, the transplant is better planned for the spring (from March-April of the month) or summer.

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In the photo the variant of reproduction by leaves

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Succulents - types, rules of care and reproduction (42 photos) 23276_13

The second nuance is reproduction. The process is different for each type, we will analyze the main variations:

Leaves. Most succulent differ in the ability to grow out of leaf - the process is not fast, but you can simultaneously grow a large number of plants.

Cuttings. The method is possible only for stem grades, prefer to accelerate the growing of a new flower. They cut off a twig with several leaves, stick into the ground or vermiculite, pour and leave: soon the root is formed, the active height phase will begin.

Kids. Some varieties form kids on themselves: for example, Kalanchoe. If you use these crumbs, dropping into the ground, they will soon become independent representatives of the species.

Seeds. The slowest way, but facilitates transportation from other countries and continents.

Important! Capacities for succulents must necessarily have drainage holes or a thick drainage layer of large clay, so that the water is not stored in the roots.

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Succulents - types, rules of care and reproduction (42 photos) 23276_15

In what conditions to contain?


Since in the wild, these are residents of hot, arid areas in order to engage in succulents at home should provide for them to constantly enter light. One of the options is to put on the window sill, however, it is better to defend from direct sunlight - the tips will begin to "burn" and change in color.

If there is no possibility to grow in the sun, and the succulents are quite a lot - it is recommended to supplement the lighting of a special fito-lamp.

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Succulents - types, rules of care and reproduction (42 photos) 23276_17
Succulents - types, rules of care and reproduction (42 photos) 23276_18


Grow stacking plants is better in conditions of reduced humidity: succulents are easier to transfer dry hot air from the battery than wet in the bathroom.


In the usual climate, many of the representatives of the species have developed the ability to photosynthesis: that is, the main exchange in their cells occurs at night cool time. Therefore, at home, it is also desirable to provide a large temperature difference - during the day it is hot, it's cold at night (but you should not freeze them).

In the summer, calmly take a kashpo to the street or balcony - the flowers greatly grow in the fresh air. In the open area, they can not even watered, a fairly summer rain.

Important! The wet cold in the fall of keeping succulents on the street is not worth it, they do not tolerate the overvailing.

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How to care?

Even despite the stocks of water in the cells and the ability to save it, the group still needs regular watering. It is more correct to observe the soil - keep the wooden wand near the pot and pushing her layer 1.5-2 cm from the surface. If all this space is dry - you can water. Wet - transfer moisturizing on later.

Important! There is a checked rule: it is better to miss watering than to pour.

Strong drying is also desirable to avoid: if the leaflets are faded, too much time has become sluggish, it means too much time between the water tops.

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Succulents - types, rules of care and reproduction (42 photos) 23276_21
Succulents - types, rules of care and reproduction (42 photos) 23276_22

Fertilizers will help to ensure comfortable conditions: fertilizers are made only during the growth period (March-October), unobistant compositions are used for this. The concentration should be low (using universal divide by 2), watering with vitamins should be no more than once a month.

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Beautiful options for design and composition

Most often on sale you can see succulents in flurararums: special transparent vessels for their cultivation. As a container, you can use a regular aquarium or a special jar created for colors.

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Succulents - types, rules of care and reproduction (42 photos) 23276_25
Succulents - types, rules of care and reproduction (42 photos) 23276_26

Read also 10 unusual plants for home

The original compositions in beautiful dishes are no less impressive: tea pair, tray, chairs. Capacities of large and small sizes are suitable, from any materials: from coffee mosses for espresso, to enameled basins.

Ampel representatives look great in the pots of heads: the plant will replace the bizarre hairstyle with long hair or a protruding hedgehog. Bonsai form stem species, it is especially good in this performance that the Hobbit Crassol looks.

The most advanced flowers can collect a green picture from the living cuttings: it will fit perfectly in eco-style.

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On the photo decorated flurarium

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Succulents - types, rules of care and reproduction (42 photos) 23276_29

What do you look in the interior?

Succulents are universal plants for any room. They do not occupy a lot of space, conveniently placed on desktops, narrow window sills, small shelves, book racks.

In the design of the living room, the composition in a beautiful flurarium is captured on the coffee table, in the bedroom - on the bedside end. For the kitchen you can make or purchase a special pot on magnets and break the garden on the refrigerator.

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Succulents - types, rules of care and reproduction (42 photos) 23276_31
Succulents - types, rules of care and reproduction (42 photos) 23276_32

Several tanks in the children's room will teach the baby to care for green inhabitants.

Some teen-binding varieties of succulents will come down in the bathroom, but keep them away from water sources.

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In the photo Green painting on the table

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Succulents - types, rules of care and reproduction (42 photos) 23276_35

Succulents love children and adults, beginners and experienced flower skills: they do not require serious care, make up shapes and color, easily adapt to any conditions.

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