Reuters: Huawei plans to sell a series of smartphones Mate and P. But Huawei denies all


At the end of last year, under pressure from American sanctions, the Chinese company Huawei was forced to sell his sub-worn Honor. And now, if you believe the sources of Reuters, the same fate is waiting for other successful Huawei line.

Reuters: Huawei plans to sell a series of smartphones Mate and P. But Huawei denies all 23258_1
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According to Reuters, at the moment the Huawei leadership is negotiating the sale of their brands of Huawei P and Mate. Their potential buyer is called a consortium, which is supported by the Shanghai administration. Negotiations, according to insiders, have been underway for a couple of months, but the final decision to sell is not yet accepted. The fact is that Huawei still hopes to weaken American sanctions to return access to component suppliers and continue the production of smartphones.

Note that the Huawei Mate and P series are key elements of the smartphone Huawei. In the period from the third quarter of 2019 on the third quarter of 2020, that is, for 12 months, sales of smartphones from these two episodes bring Huawei about 39.7 billion dollars. Only in the third quarter of last year they accounted for almost 40% of the total sales of Huawei.

Now the main obstacle for smartphone business Huawei is the lack of components. In mid-September, Huawei was cut off from his key partner, Taiwanese TSMC Chipmeter, who released on the order of the Chinese company company chipsets Hisilicon Kirin. Their warehouse reserves, if you believe sources, end and because of this, Huawei cannot continue the release of smartphones. Lost the company due to tightening sanctions and other component suppliers. The only chance for Huawei to preserve the smartphone business is to replace foreign suppliers of components on domestic, since the Government of Joe Bayden (Joe Biden) is unlikely to soften the sanctions against Chinese techigan.

In Huawei, they hurried to refute the information Reuters. Representatives of the Chinese company said that Huawei has no plans for the sale of flagship brands of smartphones and these rumors have no reason. Huawei still supports the production of smartphones and promises to continue to produce innovative products for users around the world.

"Huawei has become aware of the existence of unreasonable rumors about the possible sale of our flagship brands of smartphones. Huawei does not have such plans, and these rumors have no reason. We still fully support the production of smartphones and continue to provide innovative products for consumers around the world, "said the press service of the Russian representative office Huawei.

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