SC opened a criminal case against Alexey Navalny


SC opened a criminal case against Alexey Navalny 23241_1
Alexey Navalny

The Investigation Committee opened a criminal case against Alexey Navalny and several more people. This is reported on the SC website. Politics accused of fraud in particularly large amounts (part 4 of Art. 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation).

According to the investigation, Navalny spent 356 million rubles for personal goals. Of 588 million rubles collected in the form of donations to the activities of the Foundation for the Fight of Corruption, as well as other NGOs associated with the bulk. Among them, "Foundation for the Media Support Foundation" Fifth Time of Years "," Foundation for the Organization and Coordination Protection of Citizens "," The Fund of Legal Support of Citizens "," Headquarters' Rights Protection Fund.

"According to the investigation, Navalny, being the actual head of these organizations, acting together with other persons, spent more than 356 million rubles from this amount for personal purposes - the acquisition of personal property, material values ​​and payment of expenses (including recreation abroad). Thus, the funds collected from citizens were abducted, "the press release says.

On December 28, the Federal Service of Execution of Penalties (FSIN) reported that it could cancel the conditional period in the case of "Yves Roshe" policy Alexey Navalny and change to the real for "evasion of conditionally convicted of controlling the criminalist inspection."

The agency referred to the publication of the Doctors of the Berlin Clinic "Sharite" in the medical journal LanCet, which refers to the restoration of Navalny after the poisoning "newcomer" in Tomsk. The service statement said that since the policy was "all the symptoms of his illness", his stay in Berlin is regarded as evasion from the control of the penitentist inspection.

The agency demanded that the Navalny appears in the UUI UFSIN on December 29 at 9.00, otherwise the FSIN will turn to court with the requirement to change the conditional condemnation for a real term.

In 2014, Alexey Navalny received 3.5 years of imprisonment conditionally in the case of the embezzlement of the funds of Yves Rocher. In 2017, he extended the trial period until the end of 2020, he repeatedly stated that the case "Yves Roshe" was falsified and used as a political pressure tool.

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