Main on Monday. Tikhanovskaya awarded scientists in connection with the anniversary of the uprising of Kalinovsky, Medvedev - about the integration of the economies of Russia and Belarus

Main on Monday. Tikhanovskaya awarded scientists in connection with the anniversary of the uprising of Kalinovsky, Medvedev - about the integration of the economies of Russia and Belarus 23186_1
Main on Monday. Tikhanovskaya awarded scientists in connection with the anniversary of the uprising of Kalinovsky, Medvedev - about the integration of the economies of Russia and Belarus 23186_2
Main on Monday. Tikhanovskaya awarded scientists in connection with the anniversary of the uprising of Kalinovsky, Medvedev - about the integration of the economies of Russia and Belarus 23186_3
Main on Monday. Tikhanovskaya awarded scientists in connection with the anniversary of the uprising of Kalinovsky, Medvedev - about the integration of the economies of Russia and Belarus 23186_4
Main on Monday. Tikhanovskaya awarded scientists in connection with the anniversary of the uprising of Kalinovsky, Medvedev - about the integration of the economies of Russia and Belarus 23186_5
Main on Monday. Tikhanovskaya awarded scientists in connection with the anniversary of the uprising of Kalinovsky, Medvedev - about the integration of the economies of Russia and Belarus 23186_6
Main on Monday. Tikhanovskaya awarded scientists in connection with the anniversary of the uprising of Kalinovsky, Medvedev - about the integration of the economies of Russia and Belarus 23186_7

So, the next week begins with the political "movement" in the country. Today, the deputy head of the Council of Russia commended the integration of the economies of Russia and Belarus, the Journalist of "Belside", Ekaterina Andreev, was told in Minsk from Zhodino, and a check came to another store with national symbolism. We tell about all these events just below.

Dmitry Medvedev: It is necessary to closely integrate the economies of Russia and Belarus, right up to a single currency

Today, the deputy head of the Security Council of Russia noted that the economies of Russia and Belarus should be integrated closer, up to one currency. As Medvedev noted, no alternative to this, TASS reports.

- As for integration processes, I remain in the same position and emerge from the fact that we have a common position that integration is interconnected. We need to integrate closer and implement the full potential of an allied contract, including those elements of rapprochement, the compounds of the potential of our economies that are laid there. And these are a variety of questions, right up to a single currency, "said Medvedev.

At the same time, Medvedev added that "now there (in Belarus. - approx. Tass) a little different situation, it is necessary that they normalize the situation in general in the country."

"But I am sure that the integration movement should continue, because there is no alternative," the deputy head of the Security Council of the Russian Federation said.

Medvedev expressed confidence that "to this you need to move, [although] the pace of movement can be different."

- At one time, our Belarusian colleagues reproached that we daw on them that we want to do something faster. But no, we do not give, it just seems to us that this is in our interests, "he added.

According to the deputy head of the Security Council, it's not about politics here, "it's just a human relationship between Russian residents and residents of Belarus, special fraternal relationships, and this is not a figure of speech, this is not a pathetic expression, it is so."

- And the second is pragmatic considerations. The Belarusian economy is completely sharpened to the Russian economy. So they supplied a significant part of the goods here. They are not waiting for them elsewhere. That is why close integration between the economies, the adoption of the most important solutions in the field of regulation in the interests of the two countries, was summarized by Medvedev.

The founder of the Press Club Julia Slutskaya told about life in the SIZO

Today, the daughter of the founder of the Belarusian Press Club, Julia Slutsk told on Facebook on the conditions of keeping her mom in the SIZO.

"Mom is kept by a young man, tells everyone huge hello and many thanks for their support. "Friends and acquaintances find such important words for me now!" Our letters are like "Threads connecting me with a normal world. I felt how they pull me out, "wrote in the post Alexander.

But pieces from the letters that the girl led in the text: "During searches, all of us, except on duty, is removed into the Cake. This room is a meter for three and a half. At the far end toilet. Above him instead of a drain crane with water. That is, it is also a washbasin. Instead of ventilation over the flock toilet, there is no heating. Very damp and cold. Wooden board-bed for a day twisted against the wall. The last boy was sitting here 17 days. We return to the ruined chamber. Bags from under the beds are put forward, the mattresses are wrapped, things are thrown on the bed. "

"On Mondays we have a bunny day. In the bath you need to walk down the street. Girls go in bathrobes and rubber sneakers on a boss foot. I wear socks and sports suit. For eight people five cranes. There is no shower, just pouring the jet of water. To be washed, we have 20 minutes. Including dressing and undressing. Today we walked along the wheel of the courtyard, because the center was a huge puddle. In the corner itself there was a slide of snow, centimeters 60. Girls managed to ride on this slide. Under the chamber window comes a big red cat and screams loudly. Comes like a clock - twice a day. We feed it. I think not only we. If you really try - the cat can be viewed through iron "cilia" on the windows. I'm fine, as far as possible. One day was sick, but with the medications that you handed me, quickly smoked. Only cough does not stop. But, probably, this is the reaction of the body to Kuriano. Persistently continue to do two workouts per day. In any conditions.

He learned in the morning there is oatmeal - pour flakes with boiling water, add dried cranberries, almond flakes, nuts - and supercasha ready! For lunch - soluble soup with loaf. In the evening - buckwheat flakes or puree with sweet peppers, tomatoes and sausage. The camera has its own order. Many small rules that facilitate forcibly lived life. For example, the one who goes to the toilet includes water. And if not smokes - burns fate. Every time we wipe the napkins after yourself the toilet, wipe the floor. If someone comes into the chamber - everyone should stand and lay hands behind the back. The crisis with letters continues. We have not received any news from home for a month. All on the nerves. A couple of times brought several postcards without reverse addresses from outsiders. We must admit that if there are still people who receive information only from the telek, then the washing of the brain is excellent. I begin to notice that I even give in, very well knowing that this is a parallel reality. "

"We have eight people in the chamber. Three in a narcotic article, the rest are political. One girl has already received 12 years, now appeal. She fell into prison for the first time, two young children await her at home. Nightmare! An even greater nightmare that everything, including political, morally prepare to go to distort the dates in the Gomel colony. "

Tikhanovskaya awarded scientists due to the anniversary of the beginning of the Vyninovsky uprising

Today, Svetlana Tikhanovskaya in the building of the National Museum of Lithuania has awarded the sign of command honor scientists involved in this study.

In the telegram channel Svetlana Tikhanovskaya notes that February 1 - the anniversary of the Vysinovsky's uprising. In 2019, an important event occurred - reburial in Vilnius Castya Kalinovsky. It became possible thanks to Belarusian and Lithuanian archaeologists, who found the remains of the heroes of the uprising.

"It is symbolic that this exhibition used to be in the building of the old insulator, where the camera of each of the rebels - Kalinovsky and others was noted, the report says. - Unfortunately, now for the Belarusians, the words "insulator", "prison" and "camera" is not a story, but a heavy modernity. We have new victims and new heroes. But I am sure that very quickly each of our heroes will be free, and each of the criminals will be punished by law. And in Zhodino, the Belarusians will make the Museum in Zhodino, where every name will be written forever. "

The 26-year-old athlete Oleg Morgov sentenced to three years restrictions on freedom with referral to a correctional institution

The court of Leninsky district of Minsk sentenced a 26-year-old athlete, formerly political prisoned Oleg Mozgov. He was held in custody for three months, and then freed themselves under personal guarantee, reported by the registration center "Vasna".

He was awarded for three years of freedom restrictions with the direction of the correctional institution - "Chemistry" under Art. 342 of the Criminal Code (active participation in group actions that rudely violate public order). This punishment requested the prosecutor.

In another store with national symbolism, a check came

According to the telegram channel by_culture, a check came to another store with a national symbolism. The store "My relatives Kut" in Malorite came the controllers from labor protection inspection.

The reason for the visit is not specified. According to the channel, officials say it is a "planned inspection".

A man from Horsk wished to become a delegate on VNS. He was denied

A resident of the village of Horsk Stolinsky District, Mikhail, wanted to become a member of the All-Belarusian People's Assembly. He sent an appeal to local authorities with a request to clarify the order of election of delegates. Two weeks later, he received an answer from the Stolin district executive committee, reports the Media Polesie portal.

In the letter it was noted that according to the quota of the Brest Regional Organizing Committee, the Strank district on the All-Belarusian People's Assembly will be represented by 16 people.

At the meeting of the Organizing Committee, the Answer is also discussed, candidates nominated from public associations with a number of at least 100 thousand members are also discussed. They are submitted for approval at the meetings of the governing bodies of the republican level.

Thus, to delegate Mikhail Baccho on the All-Relforous People's Assembly is not possible.

Stolin district executivecom recommended Mikhail to take part in the work of dialogues and public receptions, read the district newspaper, and for topical information about the VI All-Belarusian People's Assembly to follow the official website of this forum and social networks.

Journalist Ekaterina Andreev said from Zhodino to Minsk

Bazh reports that the journalist "Belside" Ekaterina Andreev said from Zhodino to Minsk. About this of her lawyer was reported in a Zhodinsky prison. Now Andreeva must be in SIZO No. 1 along Volodarsky Street.

(will be supplemented)

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