Fishermen noticed wolves and just in case climbed into the trees. What would you do?

Fishermen noticed wolves and just in case climbed into the trees. What would you do? 23126_1

The Svetlogorsk edition of "Ranak" describes a terrible situation. Two fishermen noticed wolf. Then he called even three. Then they became six. One began to approach ... People were not confused and climbed on the trees. Not the fact that they threatened something, but on the tree is always calmer.

This story, which happened on January 19, was told in the state inspection of the guard of animal and plant world. Two men were fished with anger in the reserve "Folders", it is a pretty wild place. At about noon, they noticed near the wolf. Then they appeared three more - passed the party and disappeared into the bushes. After half an hour, he returned to the henchman. The distance to them was no more than 100 meters. One wolf headed for fishermen, the rest began to diverge on the sides.

One of the men who at this time spoke on the phone with his wife, asked her to contact the Ministry of Emergency Situations. After that, friends ran to the shore and climbed into the trees. The wolves did not close the wolves, got into the bushes on the opposite bank of the old man.

The rescuers in the meantime were informed by the District Organization of Boor, three hunters went to the place of meeting with predators. They examined the territory, passed in the footsteps of wolves, but no one was already found - the flock went towards the Zhlobin district.

Meanwhile, biologists, firstly, doubt, wolves are or wild dogs, and secondly, they believe that this is good luck - to see the wolf.

- For the activity of the wolf noon - the most inappropriate time, it is active at dusk, "explains Maxim Nemchinov, a specialist" Akhov Ptushak Batzkaўshchyna ". - In addition, wolves are not always moved by a dense group, unlike dog flocks. And very fear of man. But the slight chance that fishermen got exactly they, there: in those places a small "corridor" is formed, according to which the wolves could move between parts of their territory. Such a meeting is Rather luck, because to see this cautious beast is not easy. And confirmed cases of attacks of healthy wolves did not have a long time ago.

Help on a tree from a dangerous beast and call for help is a normal reaction of a healthy person. But the healthy person is also important to remember: first, the danger is often overestimated, this is part of our evolutionary heritage, and secondly, the source of danger is not more often the wolves. But it was the wolf that is demonized in the mass consciousness, although it has long been not dangerous for humans and the very necessary component of nature.

What would you do, having met the flock? To make your choice


I would take a tree to call my wife would ignor the name would turn first in the comments

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