Popular devices for scaring birds in garden sites


Bird flocks apply irreparable damage to gardens and gardens. You can wake up in the morning and see that you have lost all the crop just having hated cherries or strawberries. So many gardeners break their heads over how to scare away the voracious feathers and keep the harvest. Therefore, it has long been in the garden put various devices in order to scare away birds. They may be of a variety of species, from the most primitive to those made according to modern technologies.

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Types of dischargers

To scare the feathers, in the gardens, airports, on elevators and other objects, where birds represent a real threat, use a lot of all sorts of scaping devices.Visual

The simplest discreteners are the so-called visual devices. The most primitive includes such devices that scare the birds with their own appearance. The most famous and common is scarecrow, which repeats the contours of man. Dragging under the wind clothing and brilliant and noisy items (for example, canned banks) are forcing the feathers to fly off the places where the scarecrow stands, side. In addition, the colors of clothing are important, since different types of birds do not tolerate certain colors. For example, the starlings do not like blue color. Many, knowing that birds do not like shiny items, bind pieces of foils, CDs or other objects on the trees. As a frighten, the silhouettes of animals, the uniform of birds of prey and other creatures, which are scary of birds, are collected as a frightened. Such devices give a certain effect and are good because they do not require financial investments, but you only need to make hands and fantasy.


At airports use acoustic noise dischargers, resembling sounds of shots. But you will not place such an installation in the country, because the whole day to listen to a sharp loud canonada little to anyone will be nice. Therefore, most often in the country areas use bioacastics, that is, the sounds resembling cries of frightened birds. The advantages are that the volume of this installation can be adjusted. Especially valuable that such devices have a detector mode, and when it is turned on, the installation will create noise effect when approaching the flock of birds. But the lack of such a device is that the sound is tuned only for a single type of feathery, and the cries of frozards will not scan, and vice versa.


The undoubted advantage of such dischargers is that their signals do not perceive the human ear. But for the birds, such waves that beaten to us sound like alarm. It should be noted that these signals are afraid not only birds, but also rodents. Devices publishing ultrasound are compact, and they can be installed anywhere, although on the ground, even on the roof. But when buying, you need to take into account their radius of action and the direction of the signal. At the large plot you need to install several such devices, because mostly their radius does not exceed 25 meters, and natural obstacles and metal items on the signal path are quenched.

Features of choice

Choosing a device, you need to take into account a number of features. It is important to draw attention to ease of operation. Such information can be found in the instructions for the product, inscriptions on the package or on the website of the seller and manufacturer. The devices that need constant setup are better not to take, because for this you need time and some knowledge margin. The easier it is to install such a device, the smaller the hassle.

In addition to simplicity, the device must be adapted to a wide range of weather conditions. He should not be afraid of moisture and temperature drops.

The following condition for which should be paid attention to, is the power of the device. There are devices that feed on the network, and there are autonomous, powered by rechargeable and solar panels. In the middle of Russia, it is advisable to use batteries, because the number of sunny days we have quite limited. Network devices will be effective only where it is possible to connect to the outlet.

And the last thing to pay attention to when choosing is the ability to adjust the power of the signal and types of birds to which the device is configured. The power adjustment makes it possible to either expand, or limit the area of ​​the instrument, and setting up birds - orient the device to the type of bird flocks that are currently visiting your site.

The best discharges that are in a free sale

Let's start your review from devices that are designed to scare away birds from garden sites and are in demand in the domestic market at the present time.

This kit refers to the category of visual devices for scaring birds. The product consists of three inflatable balls with a diameter of 45 centimeters of three colors: white, yellow, black.

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Each ball is drawn eye, which is similar to the eye of the birds of prey. The principle of action of this kit is that the balls tied to the place are pegged under the influence of wind and create the illusion of a living creature for birds. There are reflective inserts on the balls that add the scaping effect with their highlights. The design of the balls is designed on the basis of knowledge of the chassis of several types of birds and, as it were, combines all the dangers, they threatening. The balls hang on a plot into several trees, each within the visibility of another, as if overlapping the visual availability zones for birds. Thanks to the bright coloring and large size, the balls are clearly visible to the birds from afar, which makes them avoid a dangerous area. Sound accompaniment This device does not have, so all its work is based on natural air movements and specially selected colors and drawings. Since the Latex material, which is selected for the manufacture of these balls, is quite durable, this device for scaring can be used for several seasons with proper storage. Many attracts simplicity and cost of such a device.


The principle of action of this feature to scare the feathers is based on the knowledge of bird instincts, which are frightened by chaotic glare and light flashes. The reflective surface of this tape, refracted by the wind and reflecting the daylight, creates an impression all the time changing, blinking surface light.

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Birds annoying such a flashes, and they try to avoid places where such a visual effect is observed. Such a tape is effective to protect trees. But it needs to be placed on every fruit tree or shrub that you want to protect. It is used both separately and in combination with sound devices. Such a tape in rolls up to 50 meters long, and it is enough for several protection objects.

Tornado "Eagle"

This articular product is a plastic layout similar to the real eagle. Its size is about half a meter. The figure is placed in places where bird flocks arrive. Seeing his original enemy, Pernaya thieves avoid places where he is.

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The only thing that can be attributed to the lack of using such a repeller is that there are several layouts on a large plot. Given the fair price of a product that is about 1,500 rubles, the purchase of several layouts is quite considerable.

This option is a device that feeds a series of signals to a certain time with random interruptions. Birds cannot adapt to it due to the fact that the time intervals of the signal are constantly changing.

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The device is completely autonomy, because it works from batteries, which is enough for quite a long time due to alternation of the instrument inclusion in random order and pauses in operation. The instrument panel has a wheel to adjust the signal level. The device is placed in a place protected from unfavorable weather conditions, and it starts its work.

Advantages: ease of operation; autonomous food; does not cause physical damage to birds; the device is compact; good price.

In this device there are three standard sets of sounds that are designed for different types of scareware objects.

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The first set is more suitable for small birds, the second set is better to use for rodents, and the third is mixed and suitable for both those and others. The device is running from the electrical network, so it should be located in the power supply zone. The control panel is located separately from the device itself, so the remote can be stored in the weather-protected place, and control from any point in the device's availability zone.

The device is made in the form of a dynamics of plastic. To effectively perform its functions, it must be placed at an altitude of up to two meters from the ground surface. Three sets of sounds of the device are enough, there are enough of them in order to scare different types of birds.

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Signal feed intervals can be varied in time. The device runs from the battery, which increases its autonomous use in areas with large areas, and the duration of work without recharging reaches 48 hours.

This device works in almost industrial scales, because its range is applied to 7000 square meters. The scope of its application is also very wide: from pheasants and cranes to small flashes or pools.

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In the instrument's phonologist, there are 16 votes of predators with the auto remote function or night, or daytime. The use of this instrument guarantees a high degree of protection against many animals.

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