MasterCard launched money transfers via Viber in Belarus

MasterCard launched money transfers via Viber in Belarus 23109_1

The transfer of money through Viber has become available in Belarus. Funds can be sent immediately in the appendix during a conversation with the interlocutor. To send enough to know the phone number of the user or have it in the Viber's address book. At the same time, it is not necessary to write data from your card to the sender. The service is available to the holders of maps of any bank of Belarus. The new menu "Attachments" will appear on the discussion page: Users will receive access to different services, will be able to exchange files or location, create polls and quiz, and make money transfer.

MTBank became a technological partner. The first six months from the time of the service is launched, the Commission will not be charged for MasterCard card holders. But a commission from bank issuers cards may be preserved. Then, six months later, the Commission will be "average for services". It seems that there is no specific number now: the bank will determine its on the basis of the popularity of the system.

In terms of interest, the tax is nothing new: everything is the same as when ordinary translations from the card on the map. Transfers are now available only to transfer between users of maps of Belarusian banks.

It is also possible to translate from other payment systems (including "Belkart"), and for obtaining only international systems - MasterCard and Visa are suitable.

Instructions for sending funds:

1. Press the clip icon in the individual chat and select the "Money Transfers" item (when you first use it will be necessary to share the phone number with the service).

2. Click "Send Money" and enter the card data or select a map from the list if the service was previously used.

3. Enter the desired transfer amount, confirm the transaction using 3D-Secure technology and send money to the recipient.

Instructions for receiving money:

1. Press the link sent by the Service to the individual chat, and open a notice of receiving money in Chat Bota (when you first use it will also need to share the phone number with the service).

2. Click on the link to the MasterCard translation portal in the notification, enter a disposable password if necessary and the card number to which he wants to get money.

You can also choose a map-tied to the phone that the machine will be credited to the machine.

For fresh data, Viber is 1.1 billion users in more than 190 countries. The greatest popularity in the CIS and Europe countries, and in Belarus, the share is 76%. This is a lot, but not a record for Viber: for example, in Ukraine 96%, and in Bulgaria and Greece - 94% and 91%, respectively.

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