Description of eggplant varieties for landing on the garden


    Good afternoon, my reader. Now there are many varieties of eggplant, which can grow in open areas. For breeding, sustained vegetables are suitable for stability to coolness and diseases.

    Description of eggplant varieties for landing on the garden 23099_1
    Description of eggplant varieties for landing on the garden Maria Verbilkova

    Sort of Russian selection, ultrarand. Maturation takes place three months after shooting sprouts. Fruit in greenhouse and in open areas. As soon as warm weather is established, you can land seedlings on a cooked bed. Even novice vegetables will cope with the cultivation of this variety.

    Eggplants acquire a pear shape, their weight is 200-300 g, possess an excellent taste. The number of seeds is insignificant, bitterness is not felt in taste.

    Hybrid variety derived by dutch breeders. It has a strong immunity to such a viral disease, as a tobacco mosaic, suspiciously resistant to different adverse conditions of nature.

    Fruits ripen two months after shooting sprouts. The form is elongated, the color is dark purple with the presence of a glossy low tide. The inside of the cream-white shade, without bitterness.

    The hybrid is sufficiently resistant to cold, high-yielding: from the territory of 1 square meters. M Gardeners collect fruits in the amount of about 15 kg. Eggplants ripen for 90-100 days.

    Shell color black and purple, elongated cylindrical shape. The size in length is approximately 30 cm. The fruits are snow-white flesh, no bitter, it is juicy enough, inside there is a large number of stones. Peel is thin.

    Description of eggplant varieties for landing on the garden 23099_2
    Description of eggplant varieties for landing on the garden Maria Verbilkova

    The variety is suitable for novice gardeners who expressed the desire to grow eggplants. Kostics grow about 40 cm in height, do not need garter and step-down. To increase the yield, adopt with mineral tools and water in a timely manner. Japanese dwarf thanks you with delicious eggplants.

    This hybrid has a short time of maturation, within two months. Busty grows in height to one meter. In plants, thick stems, they need a garter. The sheath is dark purple, the fetus size is about 20 cm long. Weight ranges from 250 to 300 g. The inner part is quite dense, creamy-white coloring, the taste is very pleasant, bitterness is not felt.

    When establishing warm weather (end of May - the beginning of summer), send the seedlings to the site. The territory should be well lit, the plants prefer to grow on a fertile loose ground.

    The hybrid has immunity to diseases, brings a high harvest, for which gardeners love him.

    The hybrid is rather cold-resistant, well suited for cultivation in garden areas of the middle strip. The bushes are strong, densely designer, their height reaches up to 1 m. The foliage closes the fruits from bright sunlight. The crop is collected after 60-70 days after the appearance of sprouts.

    Description of eggplant varieties for landing on the garden 23099_3
    Description of eggplant varieties for landing on the garden Maria Verbilkova

    Eggplants black. Medium length (20-25 cm), the weight of some instances is reached up to 1.5 kg. The fruits have a snow-white flesh, waterlessness is missing, after cutting for a long time does not darken. The taste is pleasant, there is no bitterness.

    In the fruit of the hybrid, the original rounded-reinforced form. Coloring is ordinary - black and purple with the presence of a gloss on the skin, the weight of one eggplant is about 300-500 g. Pale-green flesh or white, gentle with a light mushroom fragrance.

    High-yielding culture, with a medium ripening period (about 105-110 days). The bush is powerful, reaching the height of approximately 70-80 cm. The hybrid has a long time of fruiting, which will help for a long time to have eggplants on the table. These fruits can be consumed in a fresh form, but still more often they are thermally processed.

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