Journalists learned about the plans of the Balakovo NPP in block number 4 and the answer to the historical issue of 30-kilometer pricing.

Journalists learned about the plans of the Balakovo NPP in block number 4 and the answer to the historical issue of 30-kilometer pricing. 23092_1

In the information center of the Balakovo NPP on March 10, a regular meeting of the Press Club "Clean Energy" took place. He was attended by the head of the Department of Information and Public Relations of the Atomic Station of Dmitry Shevchenko, journalists of the city of Balakovo, representatives of the media of the Saratov region.

Dmitry Shevchenko spoke about the results of the station in 2020 and answered questions. For the year, the Balakovo NPP issued more than 30.5 billion kilowatt-hours of electricity to consumers.

Journalists learned about the plans of the Balakovo NPP in block number 4 and the answer to the historical issue of 30-kilometer pricing. 23092_2

The station plans to obtain permission to extend the life of the fourth power unit for 30 years. Previously, similar permissions were obtained for the first three blocks. This is preceded by a lot of work on the modernization of equipment, examination, increased security. Including the obligatory public hearings in which all residents of the city of Balakovo will be able to take part. Hearing will be held in autumn. Prior to that, there will still be a lot of information in the media.

Dmitry Shevchenko told that in society, unfortunately, there are prejudices and phobias on the theme of radiation. And many do not know this question even at the level of the school program, but radiation is an integral part of natural processes. Natural radiation sources set. This is cosmic radiation, natural radioactive isotopes, which even contains a human body. The development of life on Earth would be impossible without the influence of radiation. Radiation is in granite, other geological rocks, in water. Radiation is present in products. Dmitry Shevchenko spoke about the banana equivalent - this is the characteristic of the radioactivity of the source with the activity of potassium-40, which is contained in the usual banana. One banana contains about 0.42 grams of potassium. When carrying out large batches of bananas in the United States on the border were repeatedly cases when sensors were false to prevent illegal importation of radioactive materials.

But at the facilities of the nuclear industry, where work is going on completely with different indicators, in the first place is not the amount of electricity generated or profits, but the safety of objects for the environment.

Journalists were interested, whether it is possible to catch the fish in the reservoir-cooler, is it possible to swim in it. Can I have a fish from the cooler?

Dmitry Shevchenko reminded that the cooler is a technical object that is not an official bathing place. Water for people and fish in it is not dangerous, but to swim in it, as in any other, not intended for this place is not worth it. Fish from the cooler can be. Water in it is warm, it leads to a rich growth of algae. To purify with water, the NPP regularly conducts its grinding by herbivan fish. But, of course, not for the poachers come there and caught fish with networks.

They remembered both potassium iodide tablets, which previously distributed to residents in case of an accident with radiation emissions. Why don't the pills distribute anymore? Dmitry Shevchenko explained that the drug should be taken only in the first hours after emergency, and only if it really will be necessary on the recommendation of specialists. Thoughtlessly drink tablets "for prevention" can not. If they give them all just "to be", more risk of poisoning with incorrect use is not on the appointment. In the event that their reception is really required, the drug will quickly distribute the population.

Journalists learned about the plans of the Balakovo NPP in block number 4 and the answer to the historical issue of 30-kilometer pricing. 23092_3

Residents of the city of Balakovo often recall the previous benefit of electricity in the 30-kilometer zone of the Balakovo NPP. Proposals to return it certainly will not be accepted in the year of elections. "I myself as a resident of the city, as a person who also pays for comuclees, I am for any benefits. At housing and communal services, overhaul, passage, but the question is whether the station can give these benefits? This is not subject to NPP. I understand why this question historically sounds. In the past, by decision of the governor, this benefit was introduced at the expense of the regional budget. It did not contradict the legislation, but the decision was the head of the region. Now it is probably no means. But this is another level of resolution of the issue. And the question is how to present: I am for benefits, because I live near the NPP? And I live next to the beer committee, but for me no one will give benefits to beer. Here they are trying to play on the most radiation phobias. And if you understand that you live near the railway or under the main routes of aircraft, in the area of ​​the possible flooding of the reservoir, but for some reason the benefits require only from nuclear power plants, "said Dmitry Shevchenko. He reminded that in other regions the benefits of a 30-kilometer zone no nuclear power plant and was not.

Journalists learned about the plans of the Balakovo NPP in block number 4 and the answer to the historical issue of 30-kilometer pricing. 23092_4

The head of the management of information and public relations of the Balakovo NPP said how many nuclear power station invests in the development of the city and the Saratov region. First of all, these are tax deductions. NPPs in Balakovo directs considerable funds for charity. For 2020 - 238 million, of which 90 to help health facilities during the coronavirus epidemic (for the purchase of medical equipment, personal protective equipment). Nuclearies are engaged in the improvement of the parks "Energy" and landscape park. On the territory of the Gymnasium No. 2, a modern multifunctional sports object was built. And in 2021, the implementation of charitable projects will continue. After all, the employees of the Balakovo NPP themselves live in this city. The station employs more than three thousand people. Add to this number of employees of contracting organizations and family members of atomic workers, and it will be about 20 thousand people. And this is already 10% of the city's population.

The meeting of the Press Club "Clean Energy" ended the award of participants in the regional stage of the annual All-Russian creative competition for the best coverage of the topic of development of the atomic energy "Energetic people".

Journalists learned about the plans of the Balakovo NPP in block number 4 and the answer to the historical issue of 30-kilometer pricing. 23092_5

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