Five signs of omega-3 deficit are named


Five signs of omega-3 deficit are named 2309_1

Doctors called five symptoms of the deficit of fatty omega-3 acids providing full-fledged body work. They told how to determine whether the status of omega-3 is low and how to fill the shortage of important elements with food.

Omega-3 is a group of polyunsaturated fatty acids (PNCH) protecting cell membranes and internal organs from destruction. If there are very little such compounds in the body - problems appear in the work of immune nervous and cardiovascular systems; The risk of inflammatory processes increases the state of the joints. Emotional disorders of chronic fatigue syndrome occurs. Fatty acids are also necessary to generate signal molecules called eikosanoids.

Omega-3 in food products include eikapentaenic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenic acid (DHA) as well as their indispensable precursor of alpha-linolenic acid (Ala). Researchers argue that Omega-3 fats are observed in most people. To date, very few scientific works devoted to a specific study of the signs and symptoms of insufficient content of fats in the body. For a clearer view of this topic, scientists need more research and develop more efficient tests to identify omega-3 deficiency. After analyzing the results of previous works, scientists have allocated five potential signs of a lack of lipids of the Omega-3 class.

Skin irritation and dryness

The lack of omega-3 fats can be noticeable according to the condition of the skin. In some people, sensitive dry skin or an unusual increase in the number of acne can signal the deficiency of Omega-3. Omega-3 fats improve the integrity of the skin barriers to prevent moisture loss and protecting it from the effects of irritants that can lead to dryness and other changes.

In the course of one of the studies, women were obtained within three months per day on 1/2 teaspoon (2 5 ml) of linen oil with a high content of Alc. Those who took the product decreased the roughness of the skin and the skin hydration increased by almost 40% compared to those who took placebo participants. During the other 20-week study, the cannon oil rich omega-3 was given daily to people with atopic dermatitis also called an eczema state that causes dryness and irritation of the skin. Participants experienced a decrease in dryness and itching and they needed less local drugs.

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