In Irkutsk began to chip the negligent animals


Irkutsk, 11.03.21 (IA "Teleinform"), - in Irkutsk, the calculation procedure and the content of street animals changed. Now the contracting organization should enlist a special chip into each caught person, as well as to start an individual veterinary passport, the press service of the mayor's office.

Also, the system for calculating costs for catching, treatment and the content of caught dogs has been subjected.

- Until March 2021, in accordance with the Order of the Veterinary Services of the Irkutsk Region, the cost of services for catching and maintaining a dog in the aggregate was 5,545 rubles. Now this tariff is revised and will develop from the actually incurred costs for each dog. Among innovations - chipping animals, when inspected, an animal is painlessly implanted with a personal code chip. The data is entered into the information system, an electronic passport of the animal is formed, where all the necessary information about the dog (color, breed, vaccination, features of the animal, the history of disease, photographs, and more) are formed. Passports will be stored in a single database. Such a system will allow to establish clear control: to track each dog, as well as evaluate the work of the contractor, - noted the deputy head of the department of the sanitary condition of the Committee of the Urban Arrangement of the administration of Irkutsk Alexander Behtold.

Now the administration of Irkutsk has concluded a municipal contract for the fathers of street animals with the K-9 nursery. He will act until April.

- The new division system, chipping and further control should lead to the fact that the population of dogs in Irkutsk will decline, will not be uncontrolled reproduction, - added Alexander Bechtold. - At the same time, I will repeat that according to federal legislation, caught dogs after 20 days (after vaccination and sterilization) are returned to habitats. In the shelters there are only sick and showing the unmotivated aggression of the dog.

We add that now in the urban arrangement committee, work is being carried out on the preparation of documentation for holding a larger auction for the definition of a contracting organization, which will produce outstands of street animals since April of the current year.

In 2020, Irkutsk was provided with a subvention in the amount of 7 million 913 thousand 300 rubles per capets of 1345 animals. In 2021, limits in the amount of 4 million 698 thousand rubles were approved in the Region's budget for Irkutsk. At the same time, according to the results of monitoring of the region's veterinary service, 1838 animals were revealed in Irkutsk without owners.

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