Why it is impossible to extinguish a loan ahead of schedule: the expert warned about risks

Why it is impossible to extinguish a loan ahead of schedule: the expert warned about risks 23051_1

In the Central Bank calculated that the Russians owed more than 20 trillion rubles to banks. At the same time, citizens actively repay loans ahead of schedule. Thus, in the third quarter of the past, mortgage loans were closed by 524.8 billion rubles, which is a record since 2018. As a rule, paying loans ahead of schedule - profitable, but there are cases where it can cause problems, report "Arguments and Facts".

New loan instead of old

Often borrowers take a new loan to cope with existing debts. According to analysts, people resort to microloans or credit cards. It is worth considering that overpayment will be larger than the amount of early repayment.

For example, if the loan rate on average is 10-12% per annum, then on a credit card - 20-30% per annum, microloans can reach up to 365% per annum.

Spoiled credit history

Another risk is associated with credit history. The fact is that the financial organization when issuing a loan is counting on payments on schedule and plans the distribution of interest and monthly payments. If the borrower performs early repayment, the bank is deprived of profit from interest and should urgently use this amount.

"On credit history, the frequent early repayment is influenced negatively. In the future, the borrower may refuse loan issuance, since the Bank will not receive profits from the client, "the expert of the Russian Ministry of Finance project was warned by Irina Zhigina.

In addition, it is possible to lose a non-small amount if we repay the loan ahead of time at the end of the credit period. On the contrary, if in the first years to repay the loan ahead of schedule, the bank recalculate interest, which means that the overpayment will decrease on them.

What details need to pay attention to

First of all, it is necessary to clarify the date of payment of payment, Zhigina says, since it was on the day of the next payment that it is more profitable to pay a loan ahead of schedule. If you do it later, then the accrued interest on these five days first and only the remaining amount will go to early repayment.

It is also worth remembering that according to the law it is possible to repay the loan ahead of schedule, and at the same time not to pay the commission. But there are some subtleties here. For example, an item can be specified in the bank with the Bank, according to which the Client is obliged to notify the Bank on the early repayment of the loan for the week or more.

And one more important rule: after the loan is closed, you need to take a confirmation document from the bank. It will protect the client from various bank mistakes when calls about some "forgotten" percentages begin to come.

What actions can only harm

Zhigina does not advise contacting various "dubious" companies that promise debt. Most often, these firms require for their services from 100 thousand rubles, but the result is zero.

"The company's employees go to court on behalf of the client, and most often the court falls on the side of the bank. The legal company does not return a fee for its services, and the debt is still remaining, "the expert explained.

Recall that from January 10, a law enters into force in Russia, which involves more close control over the movement of foreign countries of Russians.

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