Experts identified developers who built most of all housing per year of pandemic


Compared to 2019 in 2020, the volume of housing commissioned in the northern capital grew by 21%, evidenced by Dom.rf. Experts of the National Association of Housing Developers have determined which developers of St. Petersburg have built the most in the pandemic year.

Closes the top five leaders - "CDS". In 2020, the company passed 187.2 thousand square meters of real estate, it is a queue in the LCD CDS "Elizarovsky", LCD CDS "Prienevsky", LCD TsDS "Murrian Posad", LCD CDS "Moskovsky". LCD CDS "Polyustrovo" was commissioned entirely. Last year, the developer was located on the 16th place of the ranking, then the company put into operation - 66.6 thousand "squares" of housing.

In fourth place is the Starlon group (LenSpetsmum), the company has put into operation for a year of 199 thousand square meters, is the turn to the LCD "Quarter Galaxy", LCD "Botany", LCD "House on Cosmonauts". A year ago, the developer was on the fifth line of the ranking, in 2019 the company passed 142.6 thousand "squares".

The third place is taken by Glorax Development, the company for the year passed 200.3 thousand "squares": LCD "Second Quarter", LCD "First Quarter", LCD "English Mile" and a queue in the LCD "Golden City", in 2019 Developer was 14 Stitching rating, then the company commissioned 73.1 thousand square meters of housing.

"LSR Group" - in second place for the second year in a row, in 2018 the company was a rating leader. In the 2020th, the developer put into operation 284 thousand square meters of real estate - this is the LCD "Civilization", the queues in the LCD "Brooki" and the LCD "Color City", LCD "New Ohta", LCD "Shuvalovsky". A year ago, the developer passed 360 thousand square meters of housing.

SETL GROUP two years in a row becomes the leader of the rating. In 2020, the company passed 20% of the entire real estate in the city, it is 591 thousand square meters: a queue in the Green Quarter MGC, LCD "Clean Sky", LCD "Sunny City", fully completed projects of ArtLine IFC in Primorsky , Mzhk "Fortation. Life on the coast, "LCD" Pulse on the Embankment ", LCD" Clouds on the Forest ", LCD" Philosophy on Moscow ". In 2019, SETL GROUP put into operation 524 thousand square meters.

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Experts identified developers who built most of all housing per year of pandemic 23045_1
Experts identified developers who built most of all housing per year of pandemic

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