In Novogrudok, a woman was given 10 days for participating in the excursion about the Holocaust


In Novogrudok, a local resident of Zhanna Bobrovskaya for participation in the excursion was condemned in Novogrudok for participation in the excursion, which was held in the district center on January 24th. At the same time, the excursion was officially paid at the local museum, about 20 people took part in it, historical facts told the certified guide. That day a woman was not delayed, the protocol was made to her when she went to the police in another case. The court found that she spent on January 24 a single unauthorized picket, locals.

In Novogrudok, a woman was given 10 days for participating in the excursion about the Holocaust 23039_1
Jeanne. Photo: Katerina Gordeva,

Almost every Sunday residents of Novogrudok walk on excursions. Locals say that the police officers constantly accompany them at these events.

On January 24, an excursion was held in the district center dedicated to the history of the Holocaust. Some participants attached yellow five-pointed stars with the inscription "23.34" to their clothes.

- Someone photographed this tour - and the snapshot appeared in one of the Telegram channels. Excursion passed without excesses. Jeanne went somewhere from behind, because after illness, it was difficult for her to move quickly. In short, somewhere there "televalted", as we joked. It seems to be on her clothes, she also had a star. However, neither the figure nor the numbers are not yet prohibited seem to. Then within walking distance of about 20 people participated, the walk lasted about two hours, did not delay anyone, did not do the comments to anyone, the police only watched, "local residents tell.

Zhanna then was not detained, the protocol in the police amounted to it on January 27, when she came to the local branch in another case.

In Novogrudok, a woman was given 10 days for participating in the excursion about the Holocaust 23039_2
Excursion January 24, photo: "Radio Svaboda"

- The fact is that on New Year's Eve, she was on the square, and the deputy officer of our police loudly said to someone that, they say, Tos, who is sick now Coronavirus. This heard many. Zhanna and the truth was sick, but before - and went outside after illness and mandatory self-insulation. She was indignant that in this way the information about her health is distributed, and this is a medical mystery. Someone from the police told her: "So write a statement." She did it. It was called to the police precisely in this case, but amounted to a protocol about the alleged picket during an excursion, "local residents tell.

On February 8, a court session was held on this administrative case - and Zhanna gave 10 days of arrest for unauthorized picket.

- She was immediately taken to Koreli, "local people tell.

The woman was previously convicted of all the same article 23.34 of the Administrative Code: in October, on the day of the mother, came to the main square with a poster. Then she served 5 days in the Koroleich SIZO.

Also, according to the information of Grodno human rights defenders, the other day was condemned by another local resident - Viktor Matskevich. The man received 10 days for an unauthorized picket: he posted a BCHB flag with the coat of arms "Pogoning" in the window of his apartment.

By the way, on January 31, during the next urban Sunday tour in Novogrudok, the certified guide and the creator of the Museum of Jewish Resistance in the district center, as well as the employee of the Novogrudsky historical and local history museum Tamaru Vershitskaya, was detained. After the survey, it was released in the police, but the excursion and watching the film about the Holocaust had to be collapsed. Also in the ROVD delivered the former director of the local gymnasium of 72-year-old Alexander Zustric. He was taken in the city center. The man on the excursion never reached. Then he had a police officers at home. Tut.BY.

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