Bright Spitz Blonde, Glucose Return and Carbohydrate Diet Lazarev


On the air of the TV channel, Russia, the new release of the supershow dance with the stars, whose theme was the mind and feelings. The voltage before the start of the ether reached its peak - this time the project had to leave two pairs. A pair of Dmitry Duzhev and Maria Smolnikova descended from the distance due to the actor's disease, and according to the results of the voting of the TV viewers of Tango, Igor Mikurbanov and Daria Shellyganova became the last for them: having received only 10 points, they dropped out of the competition. And on this surprise did not end.

So, Katerina Spitza went to the dance floor ... Platinum blonde, reincarnated to Barbi with doll curls. The actress told that the color of the hair had changed more than once for her career, so she was quite comfortable in a new image. Another surprise show was the return of the second hand of Dava. Blogger won it during rehearsals and two releases of the audience saw him on a dance floor with a knitted hand. Today, finally, he was able to show everything, which was capable of, presenting a sensual tango with Darya Pale.

In the past program, the RPPER ST was on the hairs of death - a charming musician would have to leave the project if he did not stand for the jury. This time, the singer Glucose came to his training session, who won the Dancing Dance project with the stars in 2012 along with Evgeny Papunaishvili. It is rumored that glucose shared with ST on his experience and revealed the secret of success. By the way, the famous choreographer and partner of glucose, which is now in a pair with Catherine Guseva and usually creates a mood at both the dance floor and behind the scenes of the show, in this issue it was unusual sadly. This week Papunaishvili tried to forget about the personal drama and taught the mermaid Ekaterina Gusev not only to walk, but also fantastically move in the Rhythm of Fockey. The actress received many compliments from the jury and joked that Zhenya would even teach the fish to dance.

One of the favorites of the show dance with the stars, singer Sergey Lazarev admitted that participation in the program exhausts it more than hours of training. It is not surprising, because in this release, he fell from Catherine Osipova to fulfill Cvikstep: I post the story, and I tell me that I was lost again! If I used to spend time in the gym with dumbbells, now I have a daily dance marathon. Kilograms just melted in front. Even began eating pasta and cakes. By the way, weight loss is a pleasant bonus participation in the Dancing project with the stars. This was noted by other participants: Yanina Studilina boasted that he had noticed cubes of the press, Dmitry Lysenkov stopped to weigh, making sure that the weight goes in itself, and the popular blogger Dava, who at the very beginning put himself a goal to reset 10-15 kilograms at the very beginning Located in the middle of the way. For his diet watches the partner on Parquet Daria Palei, so that in the reliable hands.

The exhausting workouts of Sergey was obviously not passing without a trace. Their couple divides Katerina by Spice and Mikhail Shcheckin the first line of the tournament table. Outsiders of the release of ST and Eugene Tolstoy, Dmitry Lysenkov and Olga Nikolaeva, as well as Janin Studilin and Denis Taginsev. But the main arbitrators in the show remain the audience, who vote for pets, sending free SMS. Who will remain on the dance floor, and for whom the competition will end, we will find out on the next Sunday at 5:30 pm on the TV channel Russia. (16+)

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