Yulia Kuznetsova: "To make moms do not burn, children should be independent"


You lead a course, the purpose of which is to interest the child reading. It is quite unusual. One thing is to teach, the result is clear here. What does it mean to interest? Are there any universal techniques here?

I conduct a course called "Clean. Spark system. Sparks decrypt as "the art of creating book joy." In this course, I tell my parents how to help establish a reading system for a child, how to interest it. We consider reading as a system, and in this system there are gears that should spin. If they are not or they are not spinning, the system begins to lick. There are such gears as reading out loud, reading adults in children, guidance in the closet, discussion of books, speech games, creating a home book. Slowly, a lesson for the lesson, we all study all this, parents perform homework, we have a chat in which everyone is divided by their problems and successes. Most parents have children do not read or do not like reading, and we are discussing how to help the child pay attention to books.

Universal techniques are. But the most important thing I learning to the course is an individual approach to every child. It is not necessary to navigate the fact that other children read, not to read fashionable or need, but what the child wants.

Love for reading is the path that consists of two tracks. At one it is written "I'm wondering", and on the other - "I get". If we are moving along the track "I'm wondering," then we are looking for suitable books for a child. He loves horses - offer books about horses. Loves Minecraft - We offer books about Minecraft. Loves funny - we offer the stories of Oleg Krugov or Arthur Givargizov. We have such a long search with our parents, and we find something we find something. The second track - "I get" - refers to reading skills. It is necessary to watch the child be skills that will help master the book that he likes. Because it happens that the child asks a book about horses, parents buy an encyclopedia, as a result, no one can read it, because it is written by a dry language, small font, and the book is thrown into the distant corner.

Photo @ Kuznetsova.writer.
Photo @ Kuznetsova.writer.
Yulia Kuznetsova:
Yulia Kuznetsova:
How did the idea of ​​doing such a course?

The idea of ​​creating a course arose with me after I wrote the book "Clear. How to help your child love reading. " She became very popular. I realized that people need not only the theory, but also practical tasks that they could perform, and feedback.

In my blog I often share some recommendations, book findings. That is, this is my lifestyle - help find good books for children. I make up my recommendations, focusing not only and not so much on the opinion of specialists, critics, and more - to the opinion of the children themselves, with whom I talked, conducted classes.

The course lay down my extensive experience in teaching readership to children. Two years I went the course "I want to read" for children who do not like to read. MORE 300 children passed through the course. I watched them very carefully, my diaries led, made conclusions, wrote down the books that were well.

So the course includes my discoveries like moms and as a teacher. Children came to me who said that books are "hell, pain, treno and school", and after a month and a half they went with confidence that books are interesting.

Of course, it happens not with everyone. Not all children are the same and not everyone will love to read, even if you invest in this process by all the forces. We try to give the child freedom, and love is freedom. It can not be imposed or guaranteed. But we will try to make it so that this love arose - we will give the most interesting books, reading time, will read and discuss books yourself. That is, we will try to organize at home the cozy positive atmosphere of reading so that the child himself wanted to become part of this atmosphere.

Why is that reading so much attention? Why do parents always worry that the child does not like to read, and if he, for example, does not like to cook or dance, then nothing terrible?

Not all parents are experiencing that the child does not like to read. But I myself am from those parents who are worried if the child does not read. There is such a statement: "Reading is a dependence approved by society."

Reading is important because it underlies good education, and parents want to give a child a good education. And when the child reads a lot and easily, it is easier for him to learn.

Well, everybody is a little romantic - the book opens up a new world to us, gives deep emotional experiences. Why do we read? If earlier reading it was necessary to learn some information, now it is not very relevant. We will find out the information mostly not from books. Reading develops emotional intelligence. It is impossible to develop, just googled something. And when we read the book, we train our emotions in different situations.

Plus, reading, we train analytical thinking. The age of information that falls on us from all sides is very important to develop an analytical, critical thinking in a child.

Photo @ Kuznetsova.writer.
Photo @ Kuznetsova.writer.
Yulia Kuznetsova:
Yulia Kuznetsova:
What mistakes make parents in attempts to instill with the child's love of reading?

I even have a classification of these errors!

  1. "Fence". Parents are separated from the child, believe that he must do everything himself. Or he will teach him a school. In general, anyone, just not a parent. If we want the child to love books, we will have to pay attention to what he reads and help him find those books that like.
  2. "First soup." Often parents say: "First eat soup, then you will receive candy." If, in the case of food, I agree, then it does not work with books. Parents say: "First, read the entire Andersen, and then you will read your Givargizov." That is, the child must first overcome something that he is not interested in to get interesting. If that, I do not consider Andersen boring at all, I just imagine a six-year-old child who falls into the hands of Andersen's fairy tales, and he reads at the level of "Mom Soap Rama". But mom insists: I loved in my childhood - and you read! And the child is stuck. If you preserve that first, something serious, and then something funny, the child often breaks on the complex text and concludes that he does not like to read.
  3. "Waterfall". This is when parents bother with books, and the child does not even read the child. Buy a book is the simplest. You can buy a hundred books. But the child did not subscribe to it.
  4. Never read out loud. This error is very easy to fix - just start reading children out loud. This is useful at any age, even teenagers. But it is especially important in 8-9 years. The child may already seem to read independently, but the "cartoon" in his head with an independent reading he has not yet been playing. And when we read out loud, he "sees" this "cartoon". And gradually and his own reading skills before this is reached.
  5. Comparison with you. "I'm in your years ...!", "I read so much!". This is depreciation.
  6. Punishment reading. I broke the vase - it means to read 20 pages more. This is directly instant dislike for reading.
  7. Riding. Parents ridicule the tastes of a child who, for example, loves comics. "How can you read this nonsense!", "This is not real literature!". It is very offensive.
  8. "Choose-ka". Parents offered a child to choose a book in the store, the child chose, and then does not read. And parents are offended. Here we must not be offended, but to understand. Perhaps the book does not fit the child on reading skills.
  9. "It is self." This error is similar to the "fence", but in the case of the "fence" we shift responsibility for someone - to a child, to school, and here - complete ignoring the process.
  10. The uncontrolled use of gadgets. When I talk about it in Instagram, many unsubscribe from me - we live in the modern world, how will the child be without gadgets? I will only say one thing: if the child will watch the video, play computer games, the book will never be able to attract his attention to him. She will not be able to compete with gadgets for information feeding.
Tell me about your reader's way. Did you love to read since childhood? And how was it with the school program?

Yes, I loved reading, school curriculum as a child, including. The only layer happened when I was forced to read Chernyshevsky. I could not understand what was happening, why I always liked to read so much, and this book does not go at all. Even mom asked what was wrong with me?

But in general, I was a child who reads constantly, in any free minute, which parents scold for being reading too much. When the school was given to the school, I read it right away at once, I did not want to stretch, but I wanted to know more quickly what is there next.

You are a mother of three children. I know that they also love to read, and the eldest daughter even leads a book blog. So it was always or is it the result of your work?

My children love to read, but it was not always. Just all my fleeing techniques appeared when my children did not like to read.

They were 6 and 9 years old. At that time, I was already a writer, performed at different festivals, where I bought a bunch of books - beautiful, bright, interesting. I brought all this home, the children happily threw me, I said:

- I brought you gifts!

- What kind?

- Books!

- Did you bring normal gifts?

Grisha read only comics about Ninja Turtles, Masha - Magazines "My Little Pony" and nothing else! I was then very frustrated, and now I understand that it was their path to reading, it was not necessary to depreciate it. So all the errors that I listed, there were not only of my observations, these are my mistakes, including.

I had to come up with a variety of techniques to help children love books.

The fact that the daughter is now leading a book blog, this is her own business. I have no relation to this. She loves all this social life very much - some marathons, book challenges. I sometimes go to her page and ask: what is a sq 19/100? She explains me that this is a "book challenge" that she read 19 books out of 100. She is very independent in his case and opens a whole new world for me.

Photo @ Kuznetsova.writer.
Photo @ Kuznetsova.writer.
Yulia Kuznetsova:
When your children read your books - on the manuscript stage or when the book is already coming out? Do they give some tips?

Masha had a period when she loved to read the manuscript very much. She liked to recognize something before others. She is not that gave advice, but could notice any typos.

Recently, I have very voluminous books, and it is more convenient to read them in the finished form. But in one form or another they read everything I am writing.

Julia Kuznetsova and a small part of her books, photo @ kuznetsova.writer
Yulia Kuznetsova and a small part of her books, photo @ kuznetsova.writer You can share any simple lifehaki, who every parent, who wants his child to read a lot and with interest, could use at home?

To do this, you need to return to our gears, which we talked earlier, and make it all spinning. It is not enough to do something one. You can give a child an interesting book. And maybe he even read it. But this is all.

It is necessary that the child see how parents read. Not in the evening, when they laid the children to sleep, calmly sit down with a book, but read their books for children.

A very cool way - to write the scrapbooks. Write about anything. For example, you love them. And hide in pockets, pencils, lunchboxes. Wish a good day, write notes from the face of apples that put in Lanchbox.

Play in "nonsense." Everyone knows this game - one person writes a phrase, bends a leaf, the next continues history. Then reveal the sheet and read what happened. Let the child reads, it is very fun.

Speak with children about the books that you read by yourself. Tell us why you read them. Show the child the cover and ask what, in his opinion, is this book? You seem to throw the bridge from the child to yourself.

Ask a child to bookmark for your book. And you, and he will be nice. In addition, the child will see that the mother's book moves, the tab is moving.

An even excellent lifehak is to make a bookGruster. She came up with a wonderful gaming teacher Zhenya Katz. This is such a visualizer of the result. You need to draw the head of the caterpillar and hang on the wall. And then - to attach a circle to her with the names of the read books. And when the child will see how the book is growing, he will want to read more.

You are working a large mother. How do you find harmony between family and work and do not burn out?

I am a lot of time dedicate both work and family. Harmony, probably, is that I really love it all.

In general, I am a very hardworking person. I taught this mother. I always loved to soar in the clouds, and she said that it was necessary to do everything so that it was not ashamed. In childhood, I was very offended at my mother, and now it is grateful to her for his ability to work. It's like reading - you need love and skills. There are people who love their work, but they are still reluctant to do it, they lack skills.

In order not to burn out, I sometimes do not do something and do not suffer because of this. I can not cook soup a few days. I can ask for children so that they themselves prepared something. Independence is generally an important skill. To make moms do not burn, children should do as much as possible independently. Well, plus we and my husband divide the case for two. If one of us sees some kind of deal, he just makes him, not delight, whose business should be. See the case - do! Another husband very much supports me in terms of work - it gives the opportunity to learn, act. I traveled half a Russian seminar with my writer seminars, and my husband always supported me, believed in me.

My favorite word is a balance. I try to be balanced, and the surrounding me support me.

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