Who can retire ahead of time in 2021: a complete list of beneficiaries

Who can retire ahead of time in 2021: a complete list of beneficiaries 22955_1

The right to early pension is associated with the achievement of a certain age, experience, professional activities, the number of juvenile children on dependency, as well as the amount of pension coefficients.

350-ФЗ "On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation on Appointments and Pension Payments" contains more than 30 categories of citizens who have the right to enter an early retirement. So, according to Rosstat, at the time of September 2020, more than 2.3 million Russians retired at the length of the years. Who can retire early in 2021, tell me in our material.

Who also has the right to early pension in 2021

  1. Citizens with a long experience: 37 years - for women and 42 years - for men, can retire two years before retirement age. However, in this case, women will retire not earlier than 55 years, and men are 60 years old. The right to early pension is determined only from the labor period of the citizen. The service in the army, maternity leave is not taken into account, accounting time in the CZN, care for an elderly relative or disabled person. We emphasize that this exception concerns the early pension. When prescribing a pension on general reasons, these periods are also counted in the experience.
  2. Workers of dangerous and harmful production. Such a category includes miners, textiles, forest harvesters, car w / d vehicles or boiler rooms, public transport drivers, workers of locomotive brigades and wintering, geologists, tractor drivers in rural areas and others. Retirement repairs for workers of harmful and dangerous labor depends on the type of work, as well as employment experience. Some categories of citizens may reach early pension in 45-50 years.
  3. Doctors, pedagogical workers, artists can also go to early pension. For them, the pension is appointed to achieve the necessary driving services - special experience. The minimum experience for this category of employees is from 25 to 30 years. The possibility of retirement is established taking into account the transition retirement age in 2021: 56.5 years - for women and 61.5 years - for men. In accordance with the retirement age, the purpose of the pension is postponed from the moment of achieving the necessary special experience. If doctors, artists and teachers have developed the experience this year, the pension will be appointed after three years - in 2024.
  4. Large mothers can retire for three years earlier, if they raise three children. To retire earlier for four years, a woman can, if she raises four children. This year, women with three children can retire at 57 years old, with four - in 56. If a woman gave birth or adopted five children and raised them up to the eight-year-old age, she can go on vacation in 50 years. It is important that at the same time a woman should work out 15 years of insurance experience and have at least 30 pension points.
  5. One of the parents of a disabled child can go to an early pension. A man in this case can go to a well-deserved holiday in 55 years, and a woman in 50 years.
  6. Citizens of retirement age can retire earlier if they cannot work. Pension in this case is appointed two years before transition retirement age. In 2021, the retirement age for women is 56.5 years and 61.5 years for men. For example, the right to early retirement has abbreviated workers of pre-mentioning age, if they have the necessary experience and coefficients, and before retirement it remained for about two years. The appointment of the pension claims in this case the CZN if the citizen consists of them in account.
  7. Five years earlier, residents of the Far North can retire. For them, the minimum experience is 15 years old. For residents of districts that are equated to the Extreme North, the necessary experience is 20 years.
Who can retire ahead of time in 2021: a complete list of beneficiaries 22955_2

Why may refuse early pensions

Last year, in the appointment of early pensions, they refused to six percent of the total number of applicants. Among the main reasons for refusal noted:

  • lack of grounds for early pension in principle;
  • unintelligible, sweat records and printing in the employment book;
  • unofficial work;
  • incorrect title of position;
  • lack of confirmation documents;
  • Loss of data under different circumstances: natural disasters, liquidation of archives, fire in the enterprise;
  • Incorrect or insufficient information in a labor citizen and another.
Who can retire ahead of time in 2021: a complete list of beneficiaries 22955_3

However, you can always collect confirmation documents at your enterprise, for example:

  • certificates from former employers;
  • orders for the consolidation of the employee at a certain workshop, plot or equipment;
  • salary statements;
  • An application from the archive about the absence of data and so on.

The calculation and confirmation rules of the experience are described in the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 24, 2002 No. 555.

Where to seek early pension

For the appointment of early pensions, it is necessary to contact the territorial separation of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation. If you have controversial issues, for example, an inaccurate position is indicated and preferential experience is not taken into account, you can always solve the problem with a specialist of the FIU. To do this, provide confirmation documents to the Pension Fund. In extreme cases, you can solve the dispute in court.

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