Chronicle of the day. More than 168 years of imprisonment for February, new titles forces, appeal to the sentence of journalist "BelSATA"

Chronicle of the day. More than 168 years of imprisonment for February, new titles forces, appeal to the sentence of journalist
Chronicle of the day. More than 168 years of imprisonment for February, new titles forces, appeal to the sentence of journalist
Chronicle of the day. More than 168 years of imprisonment for February, new titles forces, appeal to the sentence of journalist

A year ago, we all lived in convulsive tracking of new infesses coronavirus. The increase in three people seemed huge, we went out into the streets in the gas masks and were afraid that we were waiting in the 2020s. Spring 2021, despite the raging pandemic and more than a thousand infection per day, other priorities dictates for Belarusians. No day passes without sharp political events, who would have thought. About what is happening in the country on March 1, tell me here.

Report of human rights defenders for February: accused of "political criminal cases condemned for more than 168 years

From the fresh report of the deprived accreditation of the Human Rights Center "Viasna", it follows that in February, at least 102 people were brought in criminal articles - 88 of them are 88 men and 14 women. Also, three minors were sentenced to imprisonment in a correctional colony: Nikita Zolotoev - by 6 years, Vitaly Prokhorov and Dmitry Strizhak received 2 years. Human rights activists calculated the total number of years issued in February. It turned out quite a large number - more than 168 and a half years.

A detailed report can be seen here, and below give the main figures from the publication of human rights defenders.

The lawyers filed an appeal to the verdict in the case of Katerina Andreva and Daria Chultsova

Last Friday, February 26, the defenders of the journalist of the TV channel "BelSAT" Catherine Andreva (Baagelova) and Daria Chultsova filed an appeal on the verdict in this case. Lawyer Sergey Zikratsky published the basic abstracts of complaints in his Facebook account.

First, he believes that the events of November 15, 2020 cannot be called actions, roughly violating public order.

"International legal norms guarantee citizens the right to peaceful assemblies. And on November 15, citizens have implemented this right - they came to honor the memory of the dead a few days before that Roman Bondarenko, to express grief and solidarity, as well as demand from the state of taking measures to investigate his death, as well as to protect persons who express other, alternative point Vision, which does not coincide with the official position of government agencies, "said Zikratsky.

Secondly, he noted that the district court did not establish the facts of disobedience to the legal requirements of the authorities, and the fact that it was precisely the actions of the participants in the mass event that the violation of the work of the transport was entitled.

Sergey Zikratsky also touched the contents of Strima, who conducted a journalist with the "Change Square".

"We refer to the conclusion of linguists and a psychologist (we had two conclusions), which in one voice declare that they are not found in the statements of journalists (and specialists, unlike the participants of the trial, were investigated by all the construction of the organization, roughly violating Public order, "he wrote.

Sergey Zikratsky noted that the defense is absolutely confident in the innocence of Catherine and Darya.

In Lida detained by a journalist Olga Bykovskaya - she came to witness to the Court of Colleague

Olga Bykov's journalist detained in Lead, the Belarusian Association of Journalists reports. Another journalist Yuri Diak today is under investigation. At first, cheaper was detained in a criminal case, and now it is judged by Article 23.34 of the Administrative Code. Olga Bykovskaya went to court as a witness and was detained.

"On January 18, she covered the criminal proceedings over the activist Witold Ashurk as a journalist" BelaPAN ". After the sentence, those present shouted "shame" and "Jig Belarus", many of them were attracted to administrative responsibility. March 1, Bykovskaya, called to the court to the local journalist Yuri Chekauk as a witness. At about 16:50, she announced his detention, "said Journalist Pavlyuk Bykovsky in his Facebook-Account.

After 19:30, Olga Bykovskaya reported that they were released: "I almost did not decore. But the leadership learned the certificate. Major, who caught us near the court, apologized and let go. "

Pensioners who read books in the train give fines

Pensioners detained on Friday for reading Belarusian books in the train received fines. This is reported by deprived accreditation of the Human Rights Center "Vyasna". One of the pensioners received a fine of 1740 rubles, another six - 870 rubles fine.

The new version of the Criminal Code went to the Presidential Administration

The new version of the Criminal Code was transferred to the Presidential Administration, BelTA writes with reference to the Deputy Minister of Justice Natalia Philippov. The official reported that the first closest session of the parliament will be in April. If two readings are held, then perhaps the document will be accepted in two readings.

Earlier, we wrote that the draft law on amending the Criminal Code is being prepared in Belarus. It provides that it will tighten the punishment for tax shocks, distributors of personal data, owners of Internet resources and encroached security forces. This is what commented on Onliner in the Ministry of Justice.

Lukashenko assigned the title of security forces and his son to Victor

According to the telegram-channel "Pool of the First", Alexander Lukashenko signed a decree on assigning titles. The title of Major General, Head of the Security Service Lukashenko Dmitry Shaharaev, head of the OCA Andrei Pavlyuchenko, Deputy Minister of the Interior - Commander of the internal troops Nikolai Karpenkov, Head of Staff - First Deputy Commander of the Troops Vladimir Kuiriyanyuk, Deputy Chairman of the State Promotion Committee Roman Podlines.

The title of Major General Reserve received President Nok Viktor Lukashenko. Major General Police - Former Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Gennady Kazakevich.

(will be supplemented)

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