Graves in the courtyards. This is a reminder of the terrible past of the Belarusian village

Graves in the courtyards. This is a reminder of the terrible past of the Belarusian village 22935_1
Graves in the courtyards. This is a reminder of the terrible past of the Belarusian village 22935_2
Graves in the courtyards. This is a reminder of the terrible past of the Belarusian village 22935_3
Graves in the courtyards. This is a reminder of the terrible past of the Belarusian village 22935_4
Graves in the courtyards. This is a reminder of the terrible past of the Belarusian village 22935_5
Graves in the courtyards. This is a reminder of the terrible past of the Belarusian village 22935_6
Graves in the courtyards. This is a reminder of the terrible past of the Belarusian village 22935_7
Graves in the courtyards. This is a reminder of the terrible past of the Belarusian village 22935_8

The village of Chirvonaya, the side of Slutsky district separated a snow-covered road from the rest of the world, on which the car, as the last drunk, was winding out of side to side. This place would hardly attract our attention if there is not one strange fact: right near the houses there are real graves. Such a neighborhood looks crazy. We wanted to know how these burials appeared.

We discovered the first grave near a small economic building. On the granite monument, the inscription is well read: "Grandma and Grandfather from the grandson and granddaughter." Another tombstone guarded by a wrought fence was found on the other side of the road. The third monument - the cross embraced by an improvised flame, concluded the names of several people, "tortured, shot and burned in this place in 1943." It seems that it is, the first tip.

Confirm or disprove our guesses, alas, there was no one: the village chose silently to keep his secrets. Looking for fences (some of them were on the sight of very new) and in the windows, we tried to find at least some hint of life. The only living soul was sad dog, to which someone generously left in his yard a little food.

Where did these graves come from and why not in the cemetery? We decided to ask in the village council.

- I found himself in these parts 30 years ago, immediately after the institute, and these burials were already here. But, what is important, they all look carefully, well-maintained ... - Shared memories Chairman of the Sorozhsky village council Adam Women's. - Long-time tried to find out who they belong to, find relatives. Even economic books from the archives took to find out who lived there. But those who could remember something, or died, or left ... Some daches remained, but they don't know anything.

Nevertheless, we managed to find those who grew up in this village. It turned out that in 1943, German punitive detachments turned a few surrounding villages in ash. He strongly suffered a cheervone side, but some miracle was not destroyed. According to rumors, it was not in the original plans, they were not confused on the other. Someone has saved life. But not everyone.

"My grandfather Ivan Kostyaka and grandmother Praskov" killed and burned the Germans. " After the war, parents buried them under the birch, next to the house, which they rebuilt, "said Jeanne Chernyshevich about one of the monuments we found.

Times then were heavy: the father returned from the front only in 1947, mother all this time pulled the children. Therefore, it never occurred to anyone to create a separate cemetery for the dead. Some neighbors also buried their relatives or on their own sites, or closer to the forest or by the road. It turned out, we ourselves found far from all burials.

"After years, we made a brother with my brother on the graves," said Jeanne Chernyshevich.

A woman has long moved to Minsk, but each country season returns to his native village along with her husband. Alla Zavrid from Slutsk grew up in the Chirvona side and also comes here only in the summer, because in the winter there is "terrible one."

- My father lived with his wife and four children at the end of the village. When the Germans came, he managed to escape into the forest. The rest were shot - the father saw it through the open window. Then there were crosses at this point. After the war, his father returned, started a new family ... When I studied in the third grade, we started the remains and rebooted them in the cemetery in the next Gogetie, "says a woman.

But some fellow villagers chose to leave everything as it is. And it seems, superstitions about the afterlime world and, even more so, they did not worry about this intimacy. Perhaps, individual buildings built on someone's bones - who will now understand?

- No paranormal things happened, everything is calm, "Alla Ivanovna assured.

She told the story of another fraternal grave. In place, where several families burned immediately, the neighbors set a monument with the cross. Many people left, but at least occasionally appeared in these edges. So to speak, to get a little, please play the Radunitsa.

- One old man emigrated to Russia. But when he returned to the village, repeated: "I want my dust to be dispelled here in a clean field." Even terrible became from his words. I do not know if he was still alive, "said Alla Zavrid.

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