Favorite child toy, which is dangerous to lose: the story of one mummy


By the time the child happens the first love, it is impossible to prepare. I did not suspect that in a year a man can happen to "Dzin" with a teddy kitten, which he pulled out of the mountain toys in the store. Loved the whole soul.

We returned home and after that they did not part. The kitten passed all the lives with a baby. He was dropped from the stroller on the roadway. And I fled to save, holding back obscene cries. The cat was notched countless times, and the whole cycle of washing near the car sobbed offended kid. The kitten was forgotten in the park, on the bus, at the doctor, in the car. But always somehow managed to find.

Life toy bathed literally for the year. By the biennium of his little owner, a pretty striped cat looked like many times a wounded veteran of several wars. In his plastic eyes, it was read how much he had seen. By the way, after bathing in a pot with all contents, the look has become even more suffer.

Favorite child toy, which is dangerous to lose: the story of one mummy 2292_1

But children's love compensated everything. Without a kitten, the baby did not move, did not eat and did not sleep. However, at some point other favorite things began to be added to it. My mental health sucks a toy ving.

The story of the missing van

A small typewriter gave someone from relatives. She liked this son that he put it on one level with a cat. That is, I used to be sad, if a soft toy disappeared from the sight of sight, and now, if I don't see a van. Maternity sharply complicated. One thing to build over the mid-sized digging by a cat, another - over a tiny car size with a children's palm. Also black.

Favorite child toy, which is dangerous to lose: the story of one mummy 2292_2

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Fancy Searches

Once in the evening, he still disappeared somewhere, and within the apartment. Before dinner was, but after dinner there. Nothing foreshadowed mysterious disappearance.

- Where is the van? - asked the child, looking around.

My husband and I were overloaded.

- Without panic, now find!

And a fun family quest began with the participation of all those present and toy cat.

Favorite child toy, which is dangerous to lose: the story of one mummy 2292_3

For three hours, we all together for ten times asked all the property existing in our apartment on the shallow pitch. They looked into the gaps, in which no one watched from the times of dinosaurs.

- He could not disappear! - argued husband.

- Aaaaaaaaa, where is the ving?! - Oral baby.

I walked over the workers of Avral and the annual report. Let me release me from the decree, I will become the best worker. No more difficult task, no capricious customer compares the baby who lost his favorite toy.

Favorite child toy, which is dangerous to lose: the story of one mummy 2292_4

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Husband decided to fly to Spain

The closer was the moment of stacking, the time it became worse. The fact is that our wonderful boy is so attached to his things that they sleep with him next to some small pillows. Blue belongs to the van - and the point.

"Husband," I told, ready for everything. - urgently google prayers helping to find a lost thing, and read them out loud everything! Grandma so found her gold ring in 1975!

Favorite child toy, which is dangerous to lose: the story of one mummy 2292_5

Prayers did not help. We called a relative who prevented a van, and under the accompaniment of a loyal children's Ryuva began to find out where the machine was purchased. Husband prepared to rush to the store. And I understand him - he would have rolled away from this holiday life.

- So I brought it from abroad! - Until our dust joyful relative. - In Madrid bought specially for you!

- Everything, I depart in Spain! - I exclaimed my husband.

Favorite child toy, which is dangerous to lose: the story of one mummy 2292_6

- To stand! - I urged his fervor. - Prayers did not help, Google plots! I'd rather go to confession than now I will lay a child without a van!

In general, we did not find. Waste to sleep turned into a nightmare. The kid roared in a pillow hour, and then fell asleep from fatigue. Well, or his husband stunned by his secret until I turned away.

Where the disappearance was discovered

Among the night, the spouse woke me up and handed the most vant.

- Where he was? I asked, laying the machine on the pillow nearby.

- In the oven.

- What is it like?

- Here you go. Probably, a small troll hid himself and enjoyed the all evening. I decided to have a snack, put the pizza there and found.

Favorite child toy, which is dangerous to lose: the story of one mummy 2292_7

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Until the morning, we still did not sleep. The child checked the ving every hour. And the next night too. And then. In general, until the echoes of the children's tragedy have wooer.

Just in case I bought another red cat and hid at my parents. At the second van in Madrid did not fly.

- Why are you inventing your problems? - I asked me a friend, with which I shared all this story. - It's just toys. Well, pay. Then calm down will forget.

But the fact that for adult nonsense, for a child real grief.

Not just a toy

Favorite child toy, which is dangerous to lose: the story of one mummy 2292_8

Kids are not just tied to some subject. In the first years of life, they are most physically oriented. Many important processes are accompanied by tactile actions. A toy is a kind of anchor. Particularly sensitive children may hardly perceive even what has changed the smell of something familiar.

It is your favorite toys that make difficult moments facilitate. Baby take them with them, stacking to sleep. Putting pressed towards yourself when the situation for some reason changes. If your mother needs to go away, some plush bear becomes a real support for a child. Favorite toys soothe.

When children grow up slightly, they often simulate any situations in the game form. This is also the learning process. And even to some extent psychological assistance. For example, the baby frightened the dog on the street. He warts this situation in the nursery, only now Superman appears in it. The game is the best way to live these emotions.

Favorite child toy, which is dangerous to lose: the story of one mummy 2292_9

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Watching the child playing, an adult can also learn something new. For example, a little girl puts dolls and says that one of them does not want to go to the kindergarten, because her other children are offended there. Without this scene, parents may not even guess that their kid also encountered something negative.

What does the favorite toy mean

Favorite child toy, which is dangerous to lose: the story of one mummy 2292_10
In about the middle of the twentieth century, researchers believed that the appearance of such an item means a violation of affection between the mother and the child. However, Pediatrician Donald Vinnikot put forward the assumption that the opposite - the appearance of the toy indicates that the baby is enough love and so he shares it.

Approximately four years old, children are ready to part with an important thing and expand the geography of their hobbies. They will do it alone.

My child loved the cat, and then the van in the period of teaching the nipple. It was toys that helped him survive such a difficult period.

Without sharp movements

Favorite child toy, which is dangerous to lose: the story of one mummy 2292_11

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Understanding the importance of loved things, parents will never take them too sharply. That is why we did everything to find a van. The more kid sees understanding and sympathy, the easier it will be if the toy suddenly disappears.

Cat and van have their own places in a crib and even at the table. It greatly helps to reduce the alarm of the child, if he suddenly play with other objects. He knows exactly where to look for the most important.

If the Son has forgotten the toy at home, then first we always discuss whether he can do without it. It happens that we return.

Favorite child toy, which is dangerous to lose: the story of one mummy 2292_12

He cares about his things himself. For example, washing the machine after the street. It teaches responsibility.

Over time, the attachment will go away. But even in relations with your favorite toys, young children need acceptance and support from parents.

Therefore, if the van was not found, no one would throw the kid cry. Would fly to Madrid.

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