Dutchman fell in love with the Russian woman and imbued with our culture. Now there are 15+ things he knows about Russia


In 2015, the Dutchman Ari Helederman (ARI Helderman) met the Russian girl. They began to meet, soon their relationship became serious and she invited a guy to her homeland - to meet her parents. Ari agreed and took up the study of the Russian language, because the meeting with the father of his beloved, which does not speak English, worried him. Now the Dutchman owns the Russian language almost as well as we with you, and therefore helps to study it and other foreigners. Partly for this Ari and created his channel on YouTube.

We in adme.ru revised all the videos of this guy and understood what he sees Russia.

  • The most obvious distinction between Russia and the Netherlands is the size. Your country is huge, mine is very, very small. In Russia, you can go 4 hours and see some trees, it will be a tiny part of the country, and the Netherlands can be accessed in a whole.
  • There are several simple reasons why I teach Russian. First, I understand that new information is developing my brain. Secondly, it allows me to communicate freely with my Russian girl's parents. Thirdly, after I began to study the language, I discovered your country. There are not so many in the Netherlands about Russia. Next reason is the ability to read Russian literature. When I still studied at the university, then a friend gave me to read the "Crime and Punishment" of Dostoevsky in English translation. I liked the book. And now I can familiarize yourself with it in the original. Also, it seems to me, to know Russian is just cool, why not devote it my time.
  • Food in Russia I like more than in the Netherlands. Here are delicious dumplings, dumplings, kebabs, canned tomatoes and cucumbers, ear, okroshka and many other dishes.

Dutchman fell in love with the Russian woman and imbued with our culture. Now there are 15+ things he knows about Russia 22918_1
© ariehelderman.com.

  • I'll tell you about 5 Russian habits that you need the Dutch. First, I like the habit of Russians to include heating, as soon as it became cold. In Dutch houses, the temperature is below 17-18 ° C. Secondly, we would also not hurt to shoot shoes in the room. If you suggest a party in the Netherlands, be prepared for the fact that all guests will go to the house in street shoes, and then you will have to clean long. In Russia, the owner will immediately offer slippers. It's fine. The third good habit is your hospitality. The Russian is preparing a whole taskful table for friends who decided to visit it. Dutchman can offer coffee, cookies or sandwich. Fourth, I implies the creative approach of Russians. In the Netherlands too many rules, and you can have creative solutions. The fifth thing is not quite a habit, but in my homeland, I do not have enough delicious Russian soups and salads.
  • During the first trip to Russia, I was surprised by the usual things for you. For example, the pronunciation of the words "Shaurma". We are in the Netherlands say "Schuarma".
  • In Moscow, it is impressive of her huge size. Just think, in one Russian capital lives as many people as in all the Netherlands. I am delighted with the Moscow metro. It is very beautiful. I also like to go sports, so I was pleasantly surprised when I saw that there are so many horizons in your parks. I have very little such sports sites at home, and in Moscow they are everywhere. The next thing that impresses me is that Moscow is constantly being built. Every time I come to the Russian capital, I see all new and new residential complexes. I still like your huge shopping centers, they resemble individual cities.
  • I like that you have real seasons. In the summer - the heat, in the winter - cold, and not +10 ° C and cloudy, as it happens.

Dutchman fell in love with the Russian woman and imbued with our culture. Now there are 15+ things he knows about Russia 22918_2
© Ari speaks Russian / YouTube

  • When I was in Irkutsk, and in Moscow, too, I saw flower shops that worked 24 hours a day. This is strange. It is difficult for me to imagine a person who on Thursday at 3 am to go after a bouquet.
  • Forest forests in Russia. I remember when I was driving along the Golden Ring, then on the way I saw some forests. The same was the same on the way to St. Petersburg. Wherever you look are trees. The same thought arose in an airplane from Moscow to Irkutsk. We depart from Moscow - outside the forest window, arrive after 5 hours in Irkutsk - outside the window again.
  • I was surprised that in the summer in Russia a bunch of mosquitoes. In 2017, I was in Kostroma. Then I spent the night in the hotel and forgot to close the window at night. When I looked at the ceiling, I saw that he was all in the mosquitoes who flew to my room. It is good that even though they did not bite.
  • When I first went to a Russian bathhouse and I was offered a hat there, I wanted to refuse not to look like a wizard. But then I saw that everyone was worn there, and thought: "Okay, why not".

Dutchman fell in love with the Russian woman and imbued with our culture. Now there are 15+ things he knows about Russia 22918_3
© Ari speaks Russian / YouTube

  • On a date in the Netherlands, everyone pays for themselves, in Russia most often the guy treats a girl.
  • Thanks to life with a Russian girl, I had many new habits. For example, I started wearing slippers. Previously, there were either socks or sneakers in my feet. Now I am almost every day canned cucumbers. In Holland, it is not easy to find the same good conservation as you. Therefore, when I go to Russia, I always bring three-liter jars with cucumbers and tomatoes. It is unrealistic delicious! Also, now I celebrate the Russian holidays and more often I give my native gifts (for example, I bring them some souvenirs from vacation). I also learned to your hospitality and watch so that there was always a lot of delicious food in the house, which you can treat unexpected guests. Before acquaintance with my beloved from Russia, my refrigerator was almost always empty. Also now I often watch your films and TV shows. It helps me to improve your knowledge of the language.
  • I watch Russian TV shows to better learn the language. My favorite is "a policeman from Rublevka." I also liked the series "How I became Russian." He is about an American journalist who comes to work in Russia. In general, it was the first of your series, which I looked without English subtitles.

Do you agree with the opinion of Ari about Russia? Or with some of his statements I want to argue?

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