Overheard in Moscow: what you talked about this week

    Overheard in Moscow: what you talked about this week 22913_1

    - Hello. Can you throw me five hundred rubles to the card? BUT? Clear. BUT? No, not offended, of course. I would not throw myself either.

    - I am generally surprised how Ruslan has communicated with the nurse. Let's go to ride the cheesecakes, he says to him: "Row!" He took, it means I went. Obedient such. Ruslan to him: "Relax!" That on the bench sat down, sits. Ruslan him again: "Ride!" As if the dog with his son confused.

    In general, in the subway, I like the most man with Belyash. Van Love is simple.

    I generally disappointed in this coronavirus. He basically only on good people aimed, and who I hate, for some reason they do not get sick at all.

    - I also do not know what to do. So this kindergarten Za * al. And I'm afraid to give to school at all.

    - Oh, yes. You will sit like Timofeev to sit up to 12 night mathematics to solve.

    - Yes, as if I was not enough for my school in this mathematics.

    - No, what are you doing at this job, what? Sitting. At least, so that interest was, and not a chair only. Money? Yes, and you have no money. All the time I cry for you.

    - Yes, men are generally coming everywhere. Soon women will plow at construction sites, and men sit at the box office.

    - Yes, they are already sitting, flax, at the box office. You go to Dixie.

    - What am I in Dixie? We have a young guy in the "five". Healthy. It shows that it is clear that it does not even drink.

    - Today I refused to kiss the cross today at the church on baptism. So the father just knocked my head with this cross. But even funny. When I stretched the cross, I even rounded my eyes. But the father was not confused and gently bludded on his forehead. Then he said how the same story was with singing in the church choir, from which he also did not expect him unreleased and refuses.

    - I worked in the first shift yesterday, and by the middle of the day I was so cool it became, right to learn, and then buyers were flooded. I think: Well, x * Whether you came up, I was without you so p ** Dato was?!

    - We, it means you will learn how to do with you. Practice with you. Then you will try without me. We can then video. Then we will do eyelashes, then I will still show a peeling for the face, then massage.

    - Massage, too, video call?

    - Well, there the initial stage can just look at YouTube, and then solve.

    - Everywhere these protests, everywhere all are aggressive. And more aggressive movies.

    - And games?

    - Oh yeah, no matter how you come to Nikita, all the time he kills someone there.

    - This is also February 23. Stupid so. From ten, it turns out, the person at work served in the army only the grandfather, who works in the engineering department. The rest is like us. What does nobody give us gifts then then? We are in equal terms. I also want a flavor for the car!

    - News, it means, our president without a hat on the frost. Yes, and well, that without a hat, you see? I beg of you!

    "When I just arrived in Moscow, a tent with hot dogs stood near the Leninist Library. And I had some money, but there was very much, because I walked all day in the center. And I come to this tent and ask: "What can you eat on 30 rubles here?" And there the aunt says to me: "Nothing!"

    "She's me:" Love, bring the charger. " And I'm shaking at all when I call me somehow. Che, bl * h, it is not clear who I am, what? You, bl *, do you really want a tra * with a hare?

    - Alla, Tatian? This is Rita, yes. Rieteltor. We have a traffic jam on the Warsaw highway. So I left the car and now I got into the minibus to the subway. I'm going to you by public transport, I will be in 20 minutes. I apologize me, such working moments. Okay. BUT? Cash? Call can, but there you have an approximate amount of about one hundred and fifty thousand. Are you ready to provide such a sum of cash? Covers? .. Yes, in principle. No, well, fifty rubles is difficult, of course, will be. So in reasonable limits, so to speak.

    Illustration: Natalie Kate Phalinan

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