In Nizhnevartovsk, volunteers are gaining to help in the formation of a comfortable urban environment.

In Nizhnevartovsk, volunteers are gaining to help in the formation of a comfortable urban environment. 22909_1
In Nizhnevartovsk, volunteers are gaining to help in the formation of a comfortable urban environment.

Residents of Ugra will be able to vote for the improvement of their street or yard. From April 26 to May 30, a social choice of improvement facilities will be held at a special platform "The formation of a comfortable urban environment" of the National Project "Housing and the City Wednesday".

In Ugra, the Volunteer Corps of this project was created on the basis of the Center for the Civil and Social Initiatives of Ugra, as well as municipal headquarters that will work in 15 municipalities.

The task of volunteers is to inform citizens about projects that are taken for discussion. Voluntary assistants also will also talk about the possibilities of participation of citizens in the formation of a comfortable urban environment. They will work in MFC, shopping centers and other public places. It is planned that more than 500 volunteers will join the district.

About how volunteer work in Nizhnevartovsk was organized, the head of the Volunteer Corps "Formation of a Comfortable Urban Environment" Kristina Yavorskaya was told:

"On the eve of in social speech, we launched information that we recruit volunteers. For us, as well as for the entire district, this is a new interesting direction. The scheme of work is clear for us, because there was a similar functionality in the constitution volunteers, when there was a vote on its amendments - this coordination, help in voting, "she commented. "We already understand that our guys from the student environment is interesting, we write, we have a response to our call. Young people like the fact that offline is planned to study, which starts after March 22. We will take the selection among all those wishing. "

We note to become part of the volunteer team, you need to leave a request on the website A set of volunteers will be completed on March 22.

For information:

The All-Russian Platform is a project implemented at the junction of the federal project "Formation of a comfortable urban environment" of the national project "Housing and the City Wednesday" and the departmental project of the Ministry of Construction of Russia "Smart City".

Technical project operator - ANO "Dialogue of the Regions". The main task of the federal project "Formation of a comfortable urban environment" is to transform the type of Russian cities, make them more comfortable for residents and, thus, to give a new impetus to the development of municipalities throughout the country. Over 4 years, over 81 thousand public spaces and yard areas have already been landscaped, more than 160 winning projects of the All-Russian competition of the best projects for creating a comfortable urban environment are implemented. For 2019, the quality of the urban environment rose in 816 cities of Russia.

Among the key goals of the federal project - the involvement of citizens into making decisions on improvement issues. By 2024, to take direct participation in the development of the urban environment, to influence what kind of projects should be implemented, there will be 30% of citizens aged 14 years. The platform for this will be one of the most effective tools. It will help citizens of all regions of the country to participate in the formation of the appearance of their cities and improvement, will make it so that their wishes and needs are taken into account when working with territories.

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