"Suddenly the wizard in the blue helicopter will arrive: why do parents arrange lush holidays to children and do they need them


The life of modern parents is full of various quests, for example, "Give the child to a developer before the rest," "Entry Son / Daughter for the Best School in the area" or "Birthday to be born so that everyone is discharged." At the same time, some of the last item are achieved with perseverance worthy of better use. The annual holiday industry itself is replenished with new incredible scenarios for children's birthdays.

The property talked to the organizers of such events, a psychologist and parents and found out who in reality I need lush celebrations - children or yet parents.

How great that we all gathered here today. What for?

Ksenia, mother of two children, believes that the birthday of a child is a quiet family holiday, in which there is no place for noisy entertainment.

- For our family, the birthdays of children - this is a reason to get together at one table, congratulate the birthday name, eat delicious home meal and remember the day when we have a child. My older son is 5 years old, and the younger 2, and I believe that they are not needed by noisy holidays, it is divided by the opinion of Ksenia. - Home holiday along with a gift costs us about 5 thousand rubles. Perhaps when they are older and ask them a magnificent holiday, then we organize it based on the possibilities of our family budget.

"Suddenly the wizard in the blue helicopter will arrive: why do parents arrange lush holidays to children and do they need them

Catherine, mother of two daughters, on the contrary, believes that celebrating the birthday party in the game room with a show program - it is convenient and practical, because you can call all my relatives and friends.

"I want my children to know that this is a steep day that your birthday needs to be celebrated." I want them to understand that it's great when there are a lot of friends and they come to you for a birthday, "said Catherine. - In our childhood there was no such number of gaming and children's entertainment. Yes, and parents belonged to our generation differently, because they were not ready to spend such money for the holiday. Our family budget Birthday in the game room costs an average of 10-15 thousand rubles.

Tatiana (name changed) - organizer of holidays with experience in several Kirov agencies. In his experience, it allocates several categories of parents. The first notes with a scope of predominantly "round" dates - 5, 10, 15 years, so that they are remembered to children for a long time.

- Parents usually begin to behave like slashing shopaholics. When ordering a holiday, they seem to carry around the store and grab everything with the shelves without parsing: I want a show, I want 55 animators, fireworks, a silver show, show of experiments, "says Tatyana. - In this case, the task of the organizer is that guests are not shocked by this "serpentine" of the selected programs, and children are not tired of this manifold. Such magnificent holidays often give difficulty - due to the characteristics of the age and the day of the day.

"Suddenly the wizard in the blue helicopter will arrive: why do parents arrange lush holidays to children and do they need them

Another category of parents, according to the girl, - those who are magnificently noting all the events in the life of the child. As a rule, such people drive a desire to show their financial capabilities. More often this is done not for children, but for other parents. But this is a single case, the organizer notes. Usually such customers directly say that they just want to lose their nose.

- But nevertheless, the main audience is the average customers. Their goal is to find a compromise between the joy of the child from the holiday and its price, "says the girl.

Forgotten holiday

As the family psychologist notes Nadezhda Bushmelev, you need to celebrate the birthdays of the child and it is possible from the first year of life, but no matter how bright there was a celebration, the child will not remember him anyway.

"Suddenly the wizard in the blue helicopter will arrive: why do parents arrange lush holidays to children and do they need them

"Children will not remember this in view of such a phenomenon as amnesia of children's age," explains the expert. - In the early memories of the smallest expiration date. The child grows, and gradually the shelf life of memories increases, until finally, does not reach an almost unlimited time for storing mature memories. Approximately from 4 to 6 years, these events will already remain in memory.

According to the observation of the animators, the children's scope themselves in most cases are not only not needed, but sometimes even scares. Anna Kashina organizer notes that it often happens when children face male characters or if the actor has a loud voice.

- Sometimes parents are asked to spend a holiday carefully, as they have already had the experience of unsuccessful holidays. Children from 2 to 3 years old can be afraid of the animator, because it is greater than in cartoons or books, - tells the girl.

A large mother and organizer of holidays with extensive experience Marina Sunzova notes that it is primarily important to listen to the child and in no case to force it:

- Positive emotions do not depend on age, the mood of the surrounding people and the psychological state of the birthday room is important. If the child is frightened by a large number of people or an unfamiliar situation, there will be no positive emotion. Though a year, at least five years. It happens, the kids are frightened or shy and do not come to contact the older children. The reaction of parents and the animator himself is important. It is impossible a child to make play or say that he is afraid afraid.

Form values ​​and not spoil

As Nadezhda Bushemelev notes, often parents are trying to compensate their children's deficitations with the help of children (a shortage of something - approx. Ed.). For example, when the parents did not have bright holidays in childhood, and very much wanted. And with the advent of the child, they appear the opportunity to make this dream through their own child. According to the psychologist, there is nothing wrong with this: the celebration of the birthday takes off to socio-cultural interactions and traditions, develops emotional intelligence and horizons of children and becomes an example of life values ​​and part of a vital ritual.

"Suddenly the wizard in the blue helicopter will arrive: why do parents arrange lush holidays to children and do they need them

At the same time, Nadezhda Bushmelev warns parents that there is a chance to spawn a child with too bright holidays in his honor. The task of adults is to show and form in children life values, the boundaries of reasonable and teach to know the measure in all spheres of life. At the same time, the psychologist especially notes that everyone decides himself, how to live weekdays and celebrate holidays, because for adults it is another opportunity to live their children's experiences, but in other colors and emotions.

- The holiday should be not lush, and memorable. And it does not depend on the height of the cake or budget, "says Marina Sunzova.

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