On pear black, and then leaf twist - reasons and what to do


    Good afternoon, my reader. Fruit cultures require a systematic inspection. This will make it possible to notice, for example, the first signs of serious pear diseases, which are often expressed by the spinning of the leaves, which are then started to curl. There are several reasons for this phenomenon.

    On pear black, and then leaf twist - reasons and what to do 22846_1
    The pear is black, and then the leaves are twisted - the reasons and what to do Maria Verbilkova

    Pears. (Photo used by standard license © ogorodnye-shpargalki.ru)

    A bacterial burn is manifested in a pective drying and twisting leaves. At the same time, inflorescences are dying, necrotic black marks are developing on the crust. Bacteriosis is caused by a dangerous infection - the bacteria of the family of Ervinia. Pear has low resistance to this disease.

    Sources of infection:

    • application when trimming non-sterile tools;
    • hitting bacteria through cracks, wounds, mechanical damage arising on the branches and trunks of trees;
    • The use of infected sowing and planting material.

    Primary infection is more often manifested at the flowering stage. Bacteria with birds, insects, winds, rain are transferred together with pollen. Fast reproduction favors warm weather (temperature above 18 degrees) and humidity that makes up about 70%.

    Measures of struggle:

    • Highly affected tree need to emerge and burn.
    • At the first minor signs of bacteriosis, it is recommended to cut the affected branches and parts of the crust. Disinfected sections with a solution (1%) of copper sulfate.
    • At the flowering stage, three times spray crowns with solutions of antibiotics. Observe the interval in 5 days. Used "streptomycin", "oxytetracycline", "biomycin", and also use "agrimicin", "Tetracycline", "Gentamicin". The dosage on 10 liters of water is an average of 20 ml of the drug.
    • Special fungicides are used in accordance with the instructions, for example, Gamiir, Azophos. Biobactericide "Phytolavin" helps well.

    In order to prevent disinfect tools and containers used when working in the garden, the plant residues with signs of infection are collected in a timely manner. Sources of infection can be a hawthorn bushes, as well as wild fruit trees. At a distance of 150 m from the garden they should target them.

    On pear black, and then leaf twist - reasons and what to do 22846_2
    The pear is black, and then the leaves are twisted - the reasons and what to do Maria Verbilkova

    Pears. (Photo used by standard license © ogorodnye-shpargalki.ru)

    It strikes this fungal disease, known as firing, Antonov fire, already adult pears older than 18 years old.

    The first symptoms in the form of red-brown marks appear on branches and trunks. Gradually, stains acquire coal-black color. Swirded in places defeat the bark dies off and then falls off. After that, extensive wound remain. Cricked leaves and fruits are black, mummified. In such a state, they remain for a long time on branches.

    Transmitted infection with disputes. For the rapid development of the disease, favorable conditions are created with warm weather and high humidity.

    Measures of struggle:

    • With an extensive infection, the tree is cut down and burned.
    • In the initial stages of the development of the disease, contaminated branches are cut and burned. The sections are disinfected with a solution (1%) of the copper mood.
    • Wounds, cracks on the core are cleaned of contaminants and spray using a copper vigor with a concentration of 1%. Then treated with garden booth.

    It is recommended to comply with preventive measures, including the selection for landing the types of pears, demonstrating good resistance to black cancer. It is important to remove and destroy falling fruit and foliage. It is also recommended in the autumn period and spring trunks.

    A fungal disease is manifested in various parts of the pear tree of a sage black plaque. This film is easily erased, as it is mycelium and does not penetrate the tissue.

    Saprofit fungi do not belong to parasites. They will fall on the leaves, shoots, fruits with damage caused by malicious insects. Chervests, shields, various ticks in the process of vital activity isolated a sticky liquid, serving powers for fungi. Harm plants lies in a solid coating of sheet plates with black film, which reduces photosynthesis. The appearance of plants on the fruits reduces their commodity value.

    On pear black, and then leaf twist - reasons and what to do 22846_3
    The pear is black, and then the leaves are twisted - the reasons and what to do Maria Verbilkova

    Diseases of trees. (Photo used by standard license © ogorodnye-shpargalki.ru)

    To combat fungal diseases, use "phytodeter". Prevention is the creation of plants of favorable conditions. It is important to cut forward a periodically thickened crown, carry out the necessary feeding, eliminating excessive soil to the soil. Bringing the whims of the early spring stem with a lime solution with the addition of copper sulfate.

    A quick-growing fungal disease is characterized by the appearance of small black and brown numerous marks on the surface of fruits and sheet plates. They gradually grow up, causing twisting and the dejunation of drying leaves. Deformed fruits stop developing. Especially active, the passage spreads with long wet weather.

    Infected pear trees spray, applying fungicides, such as "Horus" or "Sorrow."

    In order to prevent the development of infection, the burglar liquid is prepared by a concentration of 1%. Harry landings are irrigated Three times: before the kidney skill, at the stage of formation of buds, after the end of flowering. It is important to periodically cut forward the crown, remove the Padalitsa, burn the fallen foliage.

    In the absence of explicit signs of disease, a variety of factors can cause problems. Black on pear sheet plates with their subsequent twisting in the following cases:

    • Bora deficiency. Manifested in the darkening of the leaves. And also slows down the growth of trees, branches dry.
    • Lack of calcium. You can see the spread of black and dry sections from the edges of the leaves to their middle.

    A comprehensive feeder with nutritional mixtures containing the necessary minerals will be required.

    Drops and leafy plates dry and twisted during a period of a protracted drought. It is useful in such a situation to arrange water irrigation crowns using a hose with an appropriate nozzle.

    It is impossible to ignore the appearance on the pear trees suddenly blackened and twisted leaves. Such a phenomenon may indicate the development of a dangerous disease or another problem that requires fastest and efficient measures to save plants.

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