How to explain to children, what is love? Help books - catch our selection


The topic of love is one of the eternal in the literature. All adult books somehow relate to it: a happy and not very ending wedding or tragedy. Children's authors do not remain aside. A selection of good books about love shared with us a head of projects "Children's books" and Mainbooks Tatiana Slavinskaya.

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Children's authors, arguing about love, come up with completely stunning moves in order to tell about the eternal as simple as possible and understandable. And so it's great that it is great that the books about love are becoming very beloved for a long time, and not only in small readers, but also from their parents, writes

"You know how I love you?" Sam McBrother.

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This book, at first glance, looks like a fairy tale about a big and small hare for the smallest readers. In fact, it is. I recommend this story to start reading one-year-old kids as a fairy tale about fluffy animals, a big hare and his baby.

However, this simple story may have a very long life. She will help to help in a situation when the baby is trying to express how much he loves mom or dad, and he doesn't really have words for this (as a rule, it is around 3-4 years old).

Offer him this book as a helping in expressing my emotions and it seems to me, "I love you to the moon and back" will become for your crumbs a wand-grinding. But this book is especially great working with adolescents: brush and prickly. If suddenly at some point you have a voltage in communication with them, put it seems to be accidentally forgetting this book for a prominent place and, it seems to me that your teen will get a powerful signal that you love it very, very much!

"Big Wolf and Little Wolf" Brun-Kosm Nadin, Talleck Olivier

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The book is multifaceted. She about love - definitely! And she is about friendship, relationship, mutual understanding, close and native people and, in general, about everything that connects people. It is about something that is real and elusive in a relationship, which cannot be said that you can only feel.

Although the book seems simple in the plot: a big wolf sits under the tree. A small and sits next to it. Silently, not saying. After a while, the lady begins to eat an orange and shares them with a little, goes to bed and offers a small edge of the blanket ... and then a little wolf leaves. Where to? What for? Whether he will return and how this story will end, it is better to read about it. Moreover, the meanings of this book are so multifaceted, and the illustrations are so beautiful that it is perhaps it is impossible to retell.

"Hello! This is me ... First Kiss "Nina Grentet

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This is a very "girl". It is written in the form of a diary on behalf of the twelve-year-old girl OD. The end-through theme of this story is the first love (or still not love? You need to understand this in the course of the story).

In its design, this book is also similar to the diary: its fonts are different, then there, then there are pictures, photos, footnotes, explanations and retreats. In the best traditions of the girl diaries in the book there are philosophical reasoning on the topic "10 reasons not to have the best friends", "10 reasons do not fall in love", "life-pain" and "happiness is impossible", although always after these reasoning it turns out that the light at the end There is still a tunnel and despair is too early.

Who can be interested in this book? First, those girls who lead or plan to keep a diary. This book is a classic pattern of how it can be decorated. Secondly, those who begin to feel something strange, what is commonly called the first love. Well, of course, this book will be interesting to moms, grandmothers and all adult aunt who once, many years ago, conducted diaries in thick notebooks and hid them in the most intimate places away from curious eyes.

"About Rome, Elephant and Cat and About Love Slightly" Anton Soy

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It is believed that with the experience of a deep sense of love, a person faces adult age. But it is not. For the first time with love, a person may encounter, even when he is 4, 6 or 8 years old. Actually, there are also many books about love for readers at such a young age. One of the brightest, in my opinion, is this story.

The main hero of the book is an elephant Elephant, who really likes to play with children. He lives in the zoo and shows all those who wish different stunts. One day, the cheerful Elephant lasted from the fact that he felt alone. This is from the lack of love - the animals made a conclusion around and began to argue about what kind of feeling is. Someone from Elephant's friends believed that love is the main thing in life, someone that love is when there is someone most important and "yours" next to you.

However, it is possible to understand what love is, Elefent was able only when he met Vizi - a cat from Rome, who did not just cheat our hero, but also gave the meaning of his life. The friendship of Elefanta and Visi seemed to many strange, many of her condemned up to the fact that they found a suitable bride for the elephant. Having learned about it, Visi disappeared ...

How ended this story? Ambiguously. Is this HAPPY End? After all, miracles happen?

"With anyone to run" David Grossman

In my opinion, this book is the best story about the first love, about how this feeling is born, although it first seems that the book will be about a friend. Sixteen-year-old Teen Alf finds a dog that needs to return the owner. But in order to do this, the owner first needs to be found.

The mistress of the dog turns out to be Tamara - a girl with a unique songwriter, which once leaves the house in search of a brother, which disappeared some time ago. Tamara goes on the trail of his brother, Alpha follows her. True, always with a delay, always on a step behind. He asks her acquaintances, random travelers, and each of them talks about Tamara very unusual things.

At some point, Alpha understands that he is looking for a girl is no longer so much in order to return her a dog, as in order to see her. Of course, he finds it, but here it also begins the most interesting - dangerous situations, unexpected traps and practically detective stories with which even adults can not be right.

It is generally difficult to talk about love, but against the background of such a dynamic plot - all the more. The more valuable what David Grossman did. He was able to catch a state, mood and moved it all on paper. In my opinion, it turned out to be excellent! According to the book, a movie was withdrawn, but please read the book first, it seems to me that she will be interesting and adolescents, and their parents.

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