Children-actors who have grown ugly: 7 examples


Children-actors in films and serials attract a large number of spectators. For cute features of the face and the immediacy, they do not even say goodbye to the most believable acting game.

It is especially interesting to observe how from the film in the film such children grow and change. But not all young stars grow up, retaining their charming.

Let's see how the most famous children-actors of the world and domestic show business have changed.

Lindsey Lohan

Once a cute red girl from the tape "Trap for parents" for 34 years. For his adult life, she has seen all: problems with alcohol and drugs, arrests and problems in personal life.

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All this noticeably affected the appearance of celebrities. Despite the young age, Lohan looks tired and noticeably aged. From the solar and smiling girl there is no trace.

It is worth noting that despite the constant problems and scandals in the press, the celebrity successfully builds a musical and acting career. Although with breaks, but its filmography is regularly replenished with fresh work.

Makola Kalkin

One of the most famous boys on the planet recently celebrated its 40th anniversary. Like many children-actors, Calkin became a victim of greedy to big parents.

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The famous role in the film "One House" The young actor could build a big career. But the father of the boy demanded such huge fees for the work of the child, that the directions gradually began to abandon the participation of the boy in projects.

Having matured, the actor began to look for himself and learned to cope with the pressure of society. As it often happens, prohibited substances and alcohol, which noticeably constituted celebrity.

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Mary Kate and Ashley Olsen

Twin sisters from the movie "Two: I and My Shadow" conquered the audience with their charm and beauty. For 10 years, they participated in a variety of projects, and then sharply stopped shooting.

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The last 15 years of girls were engaged in business and learned to earn money on creating their own brands.

But the childhood tense due to complex filming did not pass without a trace. Mary-Kate was treated to get rid of nervous anorexia. The media accused Ashley in the use of drugs, although the girl itself denies it.

In any case, today 34-year-old Olsen looks quite specifically. Pukhny children's cheeks have no long ago.

Misha Barton

Fame Anglo-American actress received thanks to the series "Lonely Hearts". Although attentive viewers remember her well and in earlier work. For example, in the film "Meadow Dogs" with the famous Sam Rokulell.

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Like many children-actors, the girl parallel to the career model, which also brought her good income and popularity.

In general, 34-year-old Barton builds a full-fledged acting career and participates in several projects every year. But since 2018, there are no new works in her filmography.

See also: Alcohol, Prison and Suitida attempt: What happened to the "Harry Potter" stars for 10 years

Edward Farlong

"Terminator 2: Judgment Day" and "American History of X" forever made this actor famous. But it's not so easy to know him today ...

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Today, the actor is 43 years old, it sputted noticeably and little looks like a charming boy from the films of the 90s. The reason for this can serve cocaine who regularly used a man. Because of this, he can not even regularly see his son.

Farlong filmography is full of various works, but almost all of them are little known. Since 2015, the service list of celebrities is not at all replenished.

Yuri and Vladimir Torsuva

Gemini brothers are known almost to all in the post-Soviet space. This is the merit of the film "Adventures Electronics".

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Basically, the actors starred by pairs, they have practically no separate filmmaster. So it was torsow and in adulthood.

Filmography 54-year-old artists are not rich. There were never able to erase the images of cheesecake and electronics.

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Yana Poplavskaya

The 53-year-old actress remained in the eyes of the domestic spectators of the main heroine of the tape "about the Red Hap". Poplava filmography is not very large, and large projects there are only a few.

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In addition to filming in films and TV shows, the woman also worked on television and even tried herself in politics.

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