Do not torment the seedlings and yourself too! The expert criticized the "worm in fainting"

Do not torment the seedlings and yourself too! The expert criticized the

In our children's school of Farmer's portal Agro 21, as well as all our villages and villages, a seaside is suited.

Immediately make a reservation that we are supporters of low-cost technologies, therefore, when growing seedlings, we try: a) do without special structures and illumination; b) navigate the existing natural opportunities, not to spend the spring months for useless dancing with tambourines around the seedlings; c) refer to the seedlings of humane - not torturing it with their nonsense.

That is why there is still a random time only on the approach, while a considerable number of gardeners, the passion of which impatients, have already been seeding from January, and even since December.

1. Oddly enough, but to be determined with the deadlines, in this case, it is better from the end, and not from the beginning, that is, it is necessary to determine the deadlines without sowing, but with the terms of the seedling seedlings.

In our middle lane, as a rule, based on perennial climatic observations, the seedlings should be found in the ground after the end of the return freezers, that is, the end of May - the beginning of June.

In unheated greenhouses, seedlings can be planted a month earlier, that is, the end of April - the beginning of May.

If you look at the traditional recommendations for the cultivation of seedlings, it is obvious that all of them are not directed to cultivation, not on the development of seedlings, but completely to the containment of this greatness and development.

SEEM early - January, and even December, and then begin:

- reduce the temperature - so as not overgrowed;

- cut the watering - so as not overgrown;

- cut feeders - so as not overgrowed;

- Pricing more often - so as not overgrown ...

As a result, we get seedlings in the form of how my grandmother said, "Hist in fainting", which without resuscitation in the form of a horizontal, lying landing, is unlikely to survive.

2. There are two natural factors that determine the deadlines for the start of growing seedlings and this is never our Wishlist.

First, it is of course the sun, solar illumination.

On March 20, we will have a spring equinox - the sun turns out of the southern hemisphere in our - the North, will rise above the horizon, that is, the intensity of solar lighting will increase and in addition, the duration of the duration begins to overtake the night - the dark day.

It is since that time solar illumination is enough for the normal development of plants.

Secondly, the optimal amount of containers for the cultivation of seedlings - 0.5 liters and these half-liters are completely filled with the root system of seedlings for 30 - 45 days, further, the development of the root system is terminated, according to the development of the above-ground part of the plants, respectively.

If smaller capacity is used, then the content of the seedlings should be reduced in them.

In addition, it is worth remembering that the longer the plant in the same as we created, by the illiteracy of our, extreme conditions - dark, closely, cold, hungry ..., the more for our favorite pets guarantees to pick up any infection, such as a black leg and not live to land in a greenhouse or in the ground.

3. What is it worth starting? Of course, from the selection of a variety

With all due respect, the arguments, such as "everything so squeeze", if you want to get good crops, then this is not at all arguments. And the love of late varieties in our middle lane also only prevents obtaining large and high-quality crops.

As practice has shown, to obtain flavoring qualities inherent in late varieties, it is quite possible to choose varieties and the secondary, and even early.

Do not flatter yourself, distinguish the varieties of taste among fans tasterkers, which we are all, is unlikely to succeed.

4. Seeds: soak - do not soak, do riffling - not tortigate, germinate - do not germinate?

Already quite often, and imported always, seeds are sold processed.

In such seeds, a guaranteed high germination, therefore they do not need any additional samopic treatments.

If the seeds are not processed, then disinfection will certainly not hurt, for example, for 10-15 minutes 10% solution of any drug from the folirus feeding line.

And in our experience, the Farmer's Children's School of the Portal Agro 21, there is a sense such seeds not only to treat the dispenser, soak, but also germinate.

When germination, it becomes obvious - what are the seeds of alive-stories, and which are not.

Moreover, under the optimal conditions, normal, strong seeds germinate in 2-3 days, but sprouted with a delay - this is a seed material of lower quality and, if there is an opportunity, there are better for growing for growing.

5. Where sow seeds.

Now a fairly large selection of special seaside tanks of both plastic and made from organic materials.

The optimal volume of 0.5 liters, such tanks now in the provision, you can buy, and you can dial out of the winter from under dairy and other products.

Of course, all mini-options (like egg cells or walnut shells, wet rags in PVC bags, napkin snails) can be used, but do not need to spare plasts and their work time.

The optimal variant of the filler of the seedlings is a substrate.

The easiest option is a mixture of sand 20-30% and peat, respectively 80-70%.

The substrate misses the air well, well holds moisture, and most importantly, unlike any, even nutrient soils, the substrates do not contain neither the larvae of vegetable pests, nor the pathogens of any garden sores to which precisely is particularly sensitive.

6. Probably, it is worth highlighting such a long charter of culture as a born onions from seeds, celery, pores.

Since their root system develops slowly, smaller capacity of 150-200 ml can be used to grow seedlings, which are plastic and organic, for ease of use are manufactured by blocks.

But for the cultivation of seedlings of these cultures, it is also enough 45 days from the appearance of germs, while not forgetting that they can pass 5-10 days before the appearance of germs.

7. As practice has shown, the traditional sowing order (sow - we water - loose, we again water, again loose) labor costs for us and is not at all favors for plant shoots.

First, we pour well, then place the sprouted seeds, then we sprinkle the desired layer of the substrate, a little upper, dry layer of the substrate we are sealing until the appearance of shoots should cover the tank with a film, and it is better to simply put in any, not necessarily a transparent PVC package.

For sprouted seeds, not maximum moistening of the soil, and the maximum humidity of the air is much more important and more useful, and the maximum humidity of the air, it is such an atmosphere and is formed when placing seedlings in PVC packets.

After the first shoots appear - closer to the window and preferably to thoroughly washed.

8. Pate and fertilizer.

The optimal water supply option is to place the capacitance with the seedl of the shallow pallet and add water to the pallet, and not water from above.

With this option, no loosenings are required and the optimal moisture-air mode is maintained in the substrate.

Do not forget that the optimal temperature for the development of melon seedlings, watermelons, peppers, eggplants + 23 - 24 degrees, and cucumbers, tomatoes + 22 - 23, because we must raise and develop seedlings, and not to restrain its growth and development.

Before sowing, in order to fill the substrate with the necessary nutrients, it is very wonderful to carry out abundant watering of the substrate in the tanks 3% solution of complex fertilizers Folirus super.

And after the appearance of real leaves, a small spraying of seedlings of 1% solution of the drug Folirus stimulus is carried out a couple of times a week.

In our experience, the best results do not give separately, but complex and making fertilizers in the soil plus leafy feeding, especially in combination with a wide range of trace elements.

9. At the final stage of growing seedlings - 10-15 days, if possible, it is very useful to make seedlings to the street for adaptation.

The first 2-3 days in cloudy weather or in a half-day, and later under the right sun, but in a windless place with constant control over the moisture content of the substrate. If the tanks with the seedle will be in the pallet with water, then the moisture is optimal.

As you know, the planted potatoes take up for a long time - a month, and if the weather does not work out, then and a half, and two. That is, all this time, tubers in the ground overcome all sorts of cold, wet, pests and sores, and potatoes do not even have the ability to resist, because it does not have access to the sun, to the light.

Like vegetable seeds, we process the seed tubers 10% folus super and plant in peat pots with a volume of 1 liter filled with peat-sandy mixture.

Also, the pot is better located in the pallet with a small layer of water. And before the emergence of potatoes, only heat in + 18-20 degrees is sufficient.

Since the landing of potatoes in our middle lane is carried out as a rule in the May holidays, then, without breaking this tradition, you can land in an open soil and your, but already growing, green potato seedlings, planted in the pot at the end of March. And leaf treatments A couple of times a week in the leaf of the potatoes with a 1% solution of the drug Folirus stimulus are very sensitive.

Since returned freezes are still possible in May, it will not be superfluous to keep the injection material with a density index 60.

Someone will say - the pots on the whole potatoes are not attacked! And it is not necessary for the whole, there are enough 10-20 bushes with young, and well even early varieties of potatoes, having stopped a month before the traditional deadlines.

In general, the main thing is not to forget that our task is not to slow down the development of seedlings, but in every possible way to contribute.

(Author: Sergey Galkin).

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