What rights lose the owner when renting an apartment: Realtor's response

What rights lose the owner when renting an apartment: Realtor's response 22804_1

The ownership of housing implies a set of rights of ownership, use and disposal by this object. When transferring the living space, we have the owner's right to dispose of the apartment, the rest of it reports to the tenant. Details of this "Prime" told the Deputy Director of the Department of Apartment for Apartments "Inkom-Real Estate" Oksana Polyakova.

The expert noted that privacy is the constitutional right of every citizen of the Russian Federation, so the landlord does not have the right to attend an apartment without consent to this tenant.

To avoid casual situations, the frequency of visits must be indicated in the lease agreement. There you can register specific dates and hours of visits. At another time, the landlord should not come to the apartment, especially if there are no tenants at this time at home.

"If the tenants will disappear, they can declare this to the police, and the owner of the apartment will become the first suspect," Polyakova warned.

A person who removed housing should support him in good condition, including repairing breakdowns, if they happened by his fault. About all faults, the tenant is obliged to inform the landlord.

However, the owner of the housing is not entitled to check the cleanliness of the premises and make comments (it is about elementary cleaning). At the same time, it is possible to comprise cleaning before eviction and register this item in the employment contract.

In addition, the owner has no right to rearrange the property of the tenant, however, when leaving the apartment, Zhilts is obliged to return everything to its place.

The owner is forbidden to change door locks, if this was not agreed with the tenant.

If the owner suddenly needed his housing ahead of the period specified in the contract, he cannot evict the tenant. Exception - if the tenant violated the operating conditions of the apartment, but it still needs to be proved.

"The most important thing is to draw up the right contract of hiring, where you can specify a variety of nuances, for example, that one room in the apartment will remain closed. This will avoid many problems, "Polyakova concluded.

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