Ensuring life and respect for nature - the petrochemical giant Shell will install half a million charging stations by 2025, within the framework of the movement strategy to zero emissions

Ensuring life and respect for nature - the petrochemical giant Shell will install half a million charging stations by 2025, within the framework of the movement strategy to zero emissions 228_1

Transnational petrochemical giant Shell published a press release with its new strategy to achieve climate neutrality by 2050. The company continues the course of transformation, as it is already happening in the automotive sphere, seeking to keep up with society, with new priorities.

Ensuring life and respect for nature - the petrochemical giant Shell will install half a million charging stations by 2025, within the framework of the movement strategy to zero emissions 228_2
Branded Charging - Photo Shell

Chief Executive Officer Royal Dutch Shell Ben Van Bedden, "Our accelerated strategy will reduce carbon emissions and will benefit our shareholders, our customers and society as a whole. We must provide our customers with the products and services they need and in which they need - products with the smallest environmental impact. At the same time, we will use our installed strengths to build our competitive portfolio, as we will make the transition to business with zero emissions going up with society. Regardless of whether our customers are motorists, households or enterprises, we will use our global scale and a reliable brand for growth in markets, where demand for cleaner products and services is highest, providing more predictable cash flows and higher profits "

What is behind these beautiful words?

All these beautiful words is a concrete plan, which is partially implemented today. At the moment, more than 60,000 charged ports for electric vehicles are operating in the Shell retail chain network worldwide. By 2025, they should be about 500,000.

Ensuring life and respect for nature - the petrochemical giant Shell will install half a million charging stations by 2025, within the framework of the movement strategy to zero emissions 228_3
Charging Ubitricity.

Especially for those who like to ask where in the outlet of the current for electric vehicles, Shell seems to explain that the company, now developing renewable energy in its structure, by 2030 plans to sell about 560 teravatt-hours of electricity per year! The company is striving to become one of the leading supplier of pure energy in the form of a service for charging electrical transport. For example, in the Charger in Europe, Shell works in partnership with New Motion, Ubitricity, and Ionity services. Only at the end of January, Shell acquired a Ubitricity British company, developing street charging infrastructure, and having only more than 2,700 charge points on the island.

Ensuring life and respect for nature - the petrochemical giant Shell will install half a million charging stations by 2025, within the framework of the movement strategy to zero emissions 228_4
Charging Ubitricity.

Of course, as a petrochemical company, Shell works and traditional fuel, increasing natural gas production, and the production of LNG. Work is also underway to produce low carbon biofuels from sugar cane in Brazil. In addition to this, the company seeks to enter, and take the "leading position" in the hydrogen business, creating "integrated hydrogen hubs" primarily for industry and heavy vehicles. We summarize. The company will not simply diversify the portfolio of its competencies and services, but does it in line with a gradual decarbonization, and the transition to the "zero emission" by 2050. Continuing to work now on the main specialization, oil, Shell invests a significant part of profit in development and transformation, so that in a new, decarbonized era to remain one of the leaders of the energy industry.

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