How to sow cucumbers in plastic glasses


    Good afternoon, my reader. The cucumbers are the favorite vegetables of many gardeners and gardeners, so you can meet them almost on any household plot. And the methods of growing cucumber seedlings there are a great set. However, in most cases, summer residents prefer to make initial sowing in food plastic cups.

    How to sow cucumbers in plastic glasses 22669_1
    How to sow cucumbers in plastic glasses Maria Verbilkova

    Therefore, today we will talk about how to put the cucumbers in plastic glasses and plan them on the garden bed.

    1. Before boarding, you need to recalculate the seeds and soak them on the day in the cold (boiled) water. Special nutrients ("epin", "zircon", etc. can also be used, which significantly increase the percentage of seedlings. To do this, take one or two small plates and put a piece of gauze on their bottom. After that, it is necessary to pour out all seeds to gauze and pour them with a nutrient solution so that it completely closes the future seedlings.
    2. While the seeds are prepared in fluid, you need to buy twice as many food plastic glasses to them. After that, half of the purchased glasses should be cut off the bottom.
    3. Next, it is necessary to cut polyethylene packages for small squares and make several through holes in each of them. And then in a whole glass insert a well-stranded polyethylene quad. It is better to do so that the edges of polyethylene go a little behind the edges of the container. After that, his cropped fellow is inserted into a whole glass.
    4. Ultimately, the following design should be obtained: in general, the glass is the polyethylene square-sieve, in which the glass is located without the bottom. Next, it is necessary to fill in (about a third) such a "glass structure" of fertile land. And after that, seed into it cooked in a solution.
    5. Then the seedlings are poured and waiting for shoots. As they grow, it is necessary to gently add to the glass of the earth. This is necessary so that the cucumber sprout does not stretch, and is well rooted in the soil.
    How to sow cucumbers in plastic glasses 22669_2
    How to sow cucumbers in plastic glasses Maria Verbilkova
    1. When the time is suitable to disembark the grudge shoots on the bed, then just carefully pull out from the whole glass (for the edges of the polyethylene square) a glass without the bottom.
    2. After that, remove the polyethylene and plan the cropped glass (along with the sprout) into the cooked wells.
    3. It is very convenient to water such a design, because the water is practically not spreading in beds.
    4. It must be added that the cropped plastic container does not interfere with the development of cucumber shoots, and the roots grow in it (down) calmly and freely.

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