Anatoly Zhuravlev, it turns out, was the last champion of the USSR in Taekwondo. And also starred in "Brother"


You probably remember this charismatic actor at least "Zhmurkov".

Right from the Urals. The actor wished to become since childhood, but, having served in the army went to study at the teacher. After that, I worked as a teacher of literature in ordinary Ural school. Along the way, engaged in harsh sports, martial arts - Taekwondo.

Imagine such a sullen commander-teacher, an increase in 1.9 meters, and even a fighter, just served. Apparently, therefore, at school, I did not stay long. Obviously not his place was.

I decided to move towards my dream, I entered Ligitmik in 1990.

At the same time, became the winner of the first (and last) USSR Championship on Taekwondo in the weight category over 80 kg (1991). Master of Sport.

Anatoly Zhuravlev, it turns out, was the last champion of the USSR in Taekwondo. And also starred in
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And at the same time, in the same year, he was adopted in the troupe of the Comedy theater. N. Akimova. In terms of moving in the episodes in the cinema ("fast train", "Benbard", "Loch is a winner of water", "labeled", "racket", etc.)

Imagine how much a versatile person! Ural nugume.

The first recognizable, leading role Anatoly Zhuravlev played in the picture "Everything will be fine" in 1995.

Fame He also brought the role of Tolstoy in the series "Bird Birthday", as well as the role of Bolshakova in the "Gangster Petersburg".

And if you remember the nervous bandygan in the first "brother" (1997) - then it is he:

Anatoly Zhuravlev, it turns out, was the last champion of the USSR in Taekwondo. And also starred in

For the time being, he walked the same cinema role of a strong guy. Personally, the opinion for us was changed after the series "Palace", where Anatoly in the last scene with his daughter played very emotionally. Such piercing in the eyes, such pain, stronger than physical, can only play a truly talented actor. Very touched and pierced the scene with a negascique grief in the eyes of Yakovleva, his hero. All coincided: and the type of actor, and his psychophysics, and talent.

From the last: in the role of a veterinarian in the recent TNT series "Beetles" - beautiful. Comedy talent lies on the surface.

In addition to the series and cinema, actively plays in the theater. For example, in the play "Love and Pigeons" playing Vasily well, yes, so that constitutes serious competition to the multi-dressed Alexander Mikhailov. Talent, Charisma, humor, charm ... With his sense of humor, facial expressions, and in general, by vasine data - he even enriched this image. Again, for its age, the physical form is excellent, apparently, the case and in a professional exercise of martial arts in his youth.

In addition, judging by the "Three Chord" show, Anatoly then sincerely, penetrating, then he sings okolayly.

In general, from just a pretty serial actor, he became one of the favorite modern actors.

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