Dark tomatoes: interesting appearance and stunning taste


Good afternoon, my reader. Severate black tomatoes seeds for landing is not particularly difficult task in our days, they are sold everywhere. The main thing is only to pick up the variety that is suitable for you.

Dark tomatoes: interesting appearance and stunning taste 22622_1
Dark Tomatoes: An interesting appearance and stunning taste of nelya

Dark tomato varieties (photos with thefinancialexpress.com)

Naturally, each variety has its own content conditions and care requirements, but a pair of universal recommendations can still be designated:

  1. All black-fed varieties are saturated with anthocyanas - vegetable pigments, which cause a bright shade of the fetus. For this reason, it is recommended to reduce the amount of fertilizer or chemical preparations, and if possible, exclude at all. Varieties, such as Dagestan, evening and black Russian, grow perfectly and without additional protection.
  2. At least once a week, the tomatory bush must be sprayed with tripbandomine. This composition is struggling with bacterial and fungal diseases of plants. In the absence of tripides, you can use kvass or kefir.
  3. Thin skin of black tomatoes is very vulnerable in front of pests or infectious diseases, so it is highly recommended to tie the bush in such a way that the tomatoes do not touch the Earth.
  4. The intensive growth of black tomatoes does not require making a large number of fertilizers, only ashes and chalk can be limited.

Not all black-fed varieties have a truly black shade of fruits, most of them are painted in brown or scarlet tones (such fruits are called Kumato). By the degree of sweetness and brightness of the taste sensations, Kumato can give up red-or yellow-filled varieties. However, familiarized with our selection, you determine the sweetest varieties for growing.

Dark tomatoes: interesting appearance and stunning taste 22622_2
Dark Tomatoes: An interesting appearance and stunning taste of nelya

The cultivation of tomatoes (photo is used according to a standard license © azbukaogorodnika.ru)

The black prince variety is unpretentious, the only thing that cannot be allowed is it to transcends with other varieties. In this case, the tomatoes risk losing their original sweet, literally dessert taste. Toman bush (up to 2.5 meters high) and the fruits themselves (up to 300 grams) are very massive, for this reason the grade must be regularly tested.

Sorted Black Baron is largely unpretentious, but requires regular abundant irrigation. The bush grows enough (up to 1.5 meters in height) and brings sweet fruits of chocolate color (up to 250 grams).

Gypsy variety belongs to short and no reason. The height of the bushes does not exceed one meter, and the weight of the fetus of 150 grams. Sweet round tomatoes with brown tint are rich in vitamins and minerals.

Dark tomatoes: interesting appearance and stunning taste 22622_3
Dark Tomatoes: An interesting appearance and stunning taste of nelya

Undercalinking tomatoes (Photo used by standard license © azbukaogorodnika.ru)

Chernnehares grade is famous for massive (up to 300 grams) and very sweet fruits.

Grade Paul Robson does not need a submission. Breeded by breeders in the 50s, the variety has long been loved by dachensons for juicy and large fruits (up to 300 grams).

Grade Black Mavr differs from the previous one. His fruits, on the contrary, are very miniature (up to 50 grams), and the look and taste is rather reminiscent of the plum. The variety of high-yields, but is particularly susceptible to fungal diseases.

The black elephant variety is not really such a massive, as it implies the name (no more than one and a half hundred meters in height), but its fruits quite justify this nickname (their mass reaches 350 grams); The taste is non-classical, slightly sour.

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