The President of the Russian Federation talked with the winners of the competition "Teacher of the Year of Russia - 2020"


According to RIA Novosti, Russian President Vladimir Putin last Tuesday met with the laureates of the All-Russian Competition "Teacher of the Year of Russia - 2020" and answered the exciting teachers questions.

The President of the Russian Federation talked with the winners of the competition
V. Putin at a meeting with the laureates of the All-Russian Competition "Teacher of the Year of Russia - 2020" /

First of all, V. Putin said that the Russian education system as a whole adequately passes the tests caused by the coronavirus pandemic. The President also noted that the work of the teacher in our country causes special respect, since "it is from a school teacher, a mentor depends largely, who will grow by a person who will become." At the same time, the head of state stressed the fact that modern technologies cannot replace live communication.

He promised that the authorities would do everything in order to "schools, the education system was truly modern," explained that this concerns the high-speed Internet in schools, creating opportunities for the disclosure of talent and interesting studies of each child, as well as supporting teachers with Parties to state and society.

During communication with the participants of the competition "Teacher of the Year - 2020", the President was surprised by the name of the institution in the Rostov region, where the winner of Mikhail Gurov teaches. The teacher works in the lyceum of classical elite education.

V. Putin stated that he was confused by the use of the words "elite" and "elitarian" in the names of educational institutions.

According to the head of state, such a name can be a way to attract "parents who have money, which can pay."

Also during the conversation with the winners of the competition V. Putin supported the initiative of the winner of Mikhail Gurov to declare 2023 the year of mathematics. The teacher itself teaches this item.

At the same time, the President noted that Russia has a "wonderful school" in the field of mathematics, and this discipline "permeates all his life, all areas of activity."

In addition, he supported the proposal of the teacher from the Oryol region Anton Gomozov regarding the creation of a film about the outstanding teachers of the country. At the same time, it was about the teachers of the past and contemporary teachers.

Recall that earlier Putin instructed to consider learning in the heritage schools of domestic cinema.

In response to the request of Mathematics teacher from Adygea Sergey Levchenko to protect children from poor-quality malicious content on social networks and create a service for communication between the teacher and students based on a responsible program product V. Putin expressed support.

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