Ivanovo region pucked by record harvests last 2020

Ivanovo region pucked by record harvests last 2020 22591_1

In the Ivanovo region, gross grain harvest in 2020 amounted to 149 thousand tons, which is 28% higher than 2019; Collected vegetables of open and closed soil - 15.4 thousand tons, or 9.2% more than in 2019.

The amount of feed - 33 centners of feed units on the conditional head of livestock has been harvested over the past 10 years.

In 2020, crops were increased in farms with 2 thousand hectares, or 10%.

In 2018, in the Ivanovo region, the crops of flax dolgunca on the area of ​​428 hectares were restored. For three years, they are increased to 2.2 thousand hectares. This allowed the region in 2020 to take the first place in Russia on the sowing of technical cannabis - 1.9 thousand hectares.

A tangible positive result is in the production of berries.

In 2020, new strawberries were introduced - 1 hectares, the gooseberry - 0.4 hectares, the red currant - 0.3 hectares, the honeysuckle - 1.8 hectares. They started bookmarking an intensive type apple orchard in Ilinsky district: in 2020, 3 hectares were laid, in 2021 it is planned to lay another 50 hectares. The area of ​​fruit and berry plantations for three years increased 3.5 times.

As noted in the Regional Department of Agriculture and Food, high rates in crop production are achieved thanks to several factors. Effectively worked the system of state support for the plant industry, the total volume of which in 2020 amounted to 230.7 million rubles, which is 63.9 million rubles more than the level of 2019.

One and a half times accelerated the pace of renewal of machine-technological park of agricultural producers: 47 tractors were purchased (1.9 times more than the level of 2019), 8 combine harvesters, 14 feed harvesters (height 2.8 times) and 243 units of other agricultural machinery and equipment. We add that in 2020, agricultural producers acquired agricultural equipment into leases in the amount of 579.9 million rubles, this is 2.8 times higher than the 2019 level.

Due to the implementation of program activities for the commissioning of unused land last year, 6.3 thousand hectares were introduced, including 4.2 thousand hectares with state support.

Since 2019, the agricultural enterprises of the region began to receive state support for the loving of acidic soils. As a result, in two years, 7.6 thousand hectares of agricultural land, which made it possible to increase the yield of crops in the fields by 15-25%.

(Source and photo: The official website of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation).

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