7 feline habits that the owners often pork and involuntarily harm the health of pets


Cats - extremely wayward animals, which, thanks to uncompromising, it is often possible to install their orders in the house. The desire for loving owners is sometimes to adapt to them and with the moutigation to observe some of their antics can be understood. However, few people know that some common cat habits, like a game with plastic bags and drinking water from under the tap, still do not pay out of attention. And there are weighty reasons for it.

Adme.ru found that some traditions that reign almost in every house with cats, yet not so harmless, as it seems at first glance, and imperceptibly strike the health of the pets.

Habit # 1: Spraying houseplants

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At first glance, eating cats of home plants may seem harmless, because they would hardly be gnawing something toxic. But, alas, it is not. For example, the cat may well chew on Lily. And these flowers of the genus Lily, or hemierokalles, toxic for cats, even in small quantities and can lead to acute renal failure. In order not to subjected to pets in unjustified risk, it is better to protect it from any plants whose properties are not exactly known. And if you want to pampery the pet, you can grow a special cat grass, which is safe for his health.

Habit # 2: theft of a variety of items

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The game with all sorts of New Year's decorations, yarn and other household items that are not intended to entertain cats, of course, like them and merge owners. But it is always worth remembering that it is easier to swallow these things, and the consequences can be the most unpredictable, right up to obstruction of the gastrointestinal tract and even fatal outcome. Therefore, no matter how much you wanted to give slack and allow your favorite four-side to lose weight, at least try not to leave it with these subjects without supervision.

Habit # 3: game with soapy water

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Cats are very curious and constantly sniffing something and touch the paw. Including foam, which bubbles when you type water in the bath. But it is worth remembering that then this foam on the paw will definitely go to the mouth. And this may not be so harmless, as it seems, for example, if it has essential oils that are dangerous to cats. The same applies to many other domestic products, including deodorant, washing powder, nail polish, shoe cream, and so on. It does not mean that all this needs to be removed from the house. Just at the time of use, it is better to keep a pet and make sure that these substances are not available to it.

Habit # 4: begging

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You probably thought that it would be about good upbringing. But we are again about security. There is again a problem in toxicity. Did you know that there are a number of products that are destructive for cats? For example, green tomatoes, chocolate and even onions can give an unexpected effect: from the stomach disorder to anemia. If you are worried about the fact that the favorite does not have the necessary nutrients, it is necessary to keep in mind that the composition of good feeds they are necessarily included, which means additional snacks are not required at all.

Habit # 5: Playing with plastic bags

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Polyethylene packages are interesting for cats for various reasons: they retain the smell of products; Some are covered with corn starch or made of gelatin, which makes them pleasant to taste; In the end, it's fun with them because of a rustling. However, as in the case of a Christmas rain, you should not leave a cat alone with a package. After all, it is very easy to spray and swallow that with an unsuccessful coincidence, it may again lead to problems with the gastrointestinal tract. If the pet is bored, it is better to fully tire with joint games or specialized toys with similar properties.

Habital number 6: feline mint eating

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The active component of feline mint is non-counterclockon. Thanks to the thin face, the cats are well trapped his smell and react to it with a rapid delight. In general, it is believed that the mint cat is safe for cat health, because it is not for nothing to sell it in stores and even make toys filled with her. However, it should be borne in mind that Kotovnik is better sniffed, not there. Eating a plant, despite the fact that the cat can like it, later will lead to a stomach disorder, vomiting and diarrhea. The large-scale tragedy is, of course, will not be wrapped, but on the well-being of a beloved pet will affect.

Habit # 7: thickening thirst with water from under the tap

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It happens that cats refuse water in a bowl and lacquer with great enthusiasm right from under the tap. This may be several reasons. First, in nature, they prefer flowing water standing. Secondly, plastic dishes can have harmful impurities and spoil the taste of water. Etc. But it does not mean at all that it is necessary to continue to drink unfiltered water. After all, in fact, pollutants who are dangerous for a person are absolutely as harmful for pets. Therefore, the best solution will be the acquisition of a special drinking fountain-autopalka for cats.

Does your pets sin these bad habits? With what tricks did you manage to overcome them?

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